the thread about nothing...

Is this Taylor Dwift? I tried googling this gif came back with noting

watch your mouth b :rolleyes >D

thats jennifer lawrence >D

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Dude I've had girls watch a movie at my place and stay the night. And when we go to bed they'll say they ain't like that and still proceed to sleep with me in just their thong and one of my shirts. I don't get this game, or maybe I'm just playing it wrong

True story: had chick come to the crib, we're smoking, watching a movie and stuff. Things start getting hot, we start kissing, touching and rubbing. I start rubbing the box, she's into it but then hits me with the, "No... Wait.." I would stop, we'd go back to kissing, she'd put my hand back on it, get excited and hit me with the no-wait-stop again. She did that **** two more times. I got pissed, told to get up and I took her *** home.

She called the next day, apologized and told me she was ready this time. I picked her up that night, as soon as I turned the lock on the door, we got it crackin.

Take that P of a pedestal, nice guys finish last and all that other crap you've seen on NT a million times.
for my 5000th post I wanted to do another huge give away... but after the 'box about nothing' died, it's hard for me to go that route with this thread again :smh:
for my 5000th post I wanted to do another huge give away... but after the 'box about nothing' died, it's hard for me to go that route with this thread again :smh:

Realtalk its been my e-dream to win that box ever since it was first introduced. I would love to carry on the tradition.
Had a funny *** night
Friends were drinkin
They passed out one of the woke up with a tyson face tatto drawn on his head
And the other with a trampstamp on his back (it was a butterfly)
We had to drag him in the house 4 in the mornin and run out the door
Who killed the box about nothing? I think MMG was the last recipient.
Yep, dont know if he sent out his stuff or still didnt.

I'm still a little lit from last night. I saw a
mother/daughter combo last night. I'm still trying to figure how old she was, **** wasnt computin' how young she looked, Her daughter was 24, she looked 30-35 tops
At church taking a dump right now.... Breakfast links got me
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Does anyone remember that Christmas special that came on Cartoon Network that was about that black elf who wanted to leave the Northpole? He goes on this wild adventure with his moms I think. It was also a musical if that helps.

my new years resolution is to work on my next book...

"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation

please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...

1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going

my new years resolution is to work on my next book...

"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation

please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...

1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going
I want a whole chapter.

my new years resolution is to work on my next book...

"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation

please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...

1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going

Whatever happened with the book you did with your grandfather? Maybe i missed it but i think i remember you trying to get it online for us to checkout
my new years resolution is to work on my next book...
"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation
please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...
1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going

the book version of seinfeld?

my new years resolution is to work on my next book...

"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation

please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...

1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going

Whatever happened with the book you did with your grandfather? Maybe i missed it but i think i remember you trying to get it online for us to checkout

it's complete and edited... sadly, my grandfathers health has taken a turn for the worse... debating if I should add on a final chapter now or publishing as is

it's difficult because he was always going full steam every day, and now he has to cut back on his daily routine. his confidence is down and I don't want to rush the final print without his full blessing. once it gets pressed, NT will get free access... thanks for the support though! :nthat:

my new years resolution is to work on my next book...

"The Book About Nothing" - I am going to self publish and use this thread as motivation

please PM me if you would like to be apart of this project...

1) Be an original/contributing member of this thread
2) Be organized, educated and professional
3) Creative and easy going

do the requirements include 700 reps or more? :frown:
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