the thread about nothing...

Lemme just say this about Yuyu Hakusho...
It's top 5 all time anime series Without a doubt...
Kuwabara's flame sword :x :pimp:
The Spirit Gun :smokin
The tournament :pimp:

[quote name="whyhellothere" url="/t/329154/the-thread-about-nothing/70200#post_16869905"[quote="whyhellothere, post: 16869867"]
oh that alex g chick is :smokin
i wonder if she has low standards :wow:
cuz i have high standards
maybe we can meet in da middle

:stoneface: you aint meet/meating her nowhere :stoneface:
my baby dont want you :stoneface:
wanna share her a la savages? 8)
shes really the third wheel tho
a bike cant stand without its third wheel tho
had an abnormal ECG done today, have to get an ECHO done on my heart tomorrow :frown:
hope all goes well tomorrow. I know that feel, I was born with a heart murmur

Dragon of the Darkness Flame>>>some puny sword :pimp: :pimp:
I never like Hiei
:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Hiei's sister>>>> :pimp:

how dare u post my wifey on here....

wait a sec...rice boy is that u? :nerd:


face has never been more ready ever

lawd :nthat:
yu yu hakasho :smokin....Im not into anime but I watched the whole first season with my housemate last year and I was impressed
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I cried first day of orientation in college, I felt like I was the only black person :smh: well not the only one lol, but coming from a HS that was 50/50 black/hispanic to a 70% white college was crazy at first.

I was doing fine until I watched this cashier lady ring up every person in front of me in this huge line (all white) and she was mad friendly, so it's my turn and I was like :D Hello and she gave me the :stoneface: called and cried to my moms after I checked out.
I've been the only or one of the few black people in all my classes since kindergarten.
I dislike when people act like you're a delegate that speaks for all black people.
"Is it true that black people...?"

try being one of the only Hawaiian guys at your college... it was super tough

just kidding... fresh weekly buns from the ladies :evil:
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