the thread about nothing...

It's crazy, when I first started playing guitar when I was 15 all I wanted to play was metal, hell the first song I learned in its entirety was "One" by Metallica, but as time went on my playing went in a completely direction.

Stevie Ray Vaughan is probably one of the biggest inspirations for me, I find myself playing blues and surf music more than anything now, it's just so relaxing to sit in my room, not turn on the distortion and just sit here and play for hours.

We miss you SRV 
Originally Posted by ErickM713

It's crazy, when I first started playing guitar when I was 15 all I wanted to play was metal, hell the first song I learned in its entirety was "One" by Metallica, but as time went on my playing went in a completely direction.

Stevie Ray Vaughan is probably one of the biggest inspirations for me, I find myself playing blues and surf music more than anything now, it's just so relaxing to sit in my room, not turn on the distortion and just sit here and play for hours.

We miss you SRV�

Stevie ray Vaughn

One of my favorite guitarists ever,his voice and attitude.

Something about the way that guitar sounded, like it was deep, like when you see a slow motion water drop in a puddle.

I know this doesn't quite make sense but whatever.

I'm sick guys... what are some home remedies that you'll lend to a friend. standard cold/flu
I love a vast majority of the newswomen in the LA market

I'm gonna try to go Keto in my diet once this bread is gone. I think teh grainz are what's deterring me from getting to where I want to be.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

I'm sick guys... what are some home remedies that you'll lend to a friend. standard cold/flu

Order Thai food. Extra spicy...Then have two shots of NyQuil. Thank me tomorrow morning.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I love a vast majority of the newswomen in the LA market

I'm gonna try to go Keto in my diet once this bread is gone. I think teh grainz are what's deterring me from getting to where I want to be.
I miss Lisa Hernandez
Originally Posted by M4rioL

I'm sick guys... what are some home remedies that you'll lend to a friend. standard cold/flu

I once overcame a cold in one day.
I basically downed a bottle of Robitussin, not safe, not fun either, I was robotripping.
But I woke up the next day cured.

Don't recommend it.

Also, I need to go to the bathroom horribly but I can't stop watching the LA game 
Originally Posted by M4rioL

I'm sick guys... what are some home remedies that you'll lend to a friend. standard cold/flu
Menthol cough drops to suck on; cold apple juice to sip on

Works every time.
Yo that Mens Wearhouse commercial just got me so mo, but the dude got me so pumped up to buy a suit
Wale just performed at my school (Hunter College).

Straight piff.

Some chick got arrested too, she was right by the stage, people saying she lit up a blunt.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Has dirty ever gotten flamed for his scree name?

When I first started lurking I used to think he was a pretty she. The combination of the -cious and default threw me alll the way off.  
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