the thread about nothing...

how many shakes is okay?

if someone is there in the bathroom i try not to do more than three shakes but if no one is there i do as many as it takes
a few years back my buddy was leaving a mexican restaurant and he backed into a car 

some people came out and he took off..

someone was smart and took down his license plate.

cops show up at his house and he answers the door with a burrito in his hand 

they ask him to step outside so they can talk, he does and they take him in...

couple of days later im at work and im telling this dude the story and another one of buddies hear me, and he goes...

"wait, your friend is the burrito bandit?" 

i was confused as hell, then he comes with the newspaper and he shows me the little story, they made him look so stupid.
A rant
Someone was hurt when I was agreeing with Trilluminated about him being weird.Then he came at
me saying I was weird because I post 100x a day and I love Zooey.I only posted 100x a day once or twice.
The last time I said I love Zooey Deschanel in here was during Spanish TAN a few weeks ago.
You're lucky I didn't came at you about your low key,****** appreciation thread.Now that's being weird.
You gave TAN a bad reputation for a while son.

Oh by the way
You can't claim that I was hurt when you're the one who left tan.

I asked Trill "weird in what way?" and somehow I'm hurt because you cosigned.

You were the one who was hurt hence your "why do you care" when I asked you why you were leaving. I didn't get at you. I just pointed our your hypocrisy.

It doesn't matter how much you actually post. The point is that you post a lot.

Saying that it was only a few times doesn't nullify that fact.

That doesn't matter either. I don't keep tabs on how many times you post I love zooey.

The TS thread was a continuation of the TS discussion that originated in tan.

People said to make a thread, I made a thread.

I didn't start the TS discussion in tan so you can't claim that.

Lastly, I knew you that weren't actually leaving tan so i psed a pic making it look like you viewed this thread to see if you were actually lurking this thread.

Sure enough like clockwork you replied to my post.

Which ended your supposed break from tan.

You never left, so you can't say that you're back.
dont eem matter how many times i shake

i still feel dat drip when i zip up
Someone has this as their avy. 

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a few years back my buddy was leaving a mexican restaurant and he backed into a car 

some people came out and he took off..

someone was smart and took down his license plate.

cops show up at his house and he answers the door with a burrito in his hand 

they ask him to step outside so they can talk, he does and they take him in...

couple of days later im at work and im telling this dude the story and another one of buddies hear me, and he goes...

"wait, your friend is the burrito bandit?" 

i was confused as hell, then he comes with the newspaper and he shows me the little story, they made him look so stupid.
was he brewed? why would he dip out?
i love the people in doomsday preppers that prep for an economic collapse. i hate when natgeo has "expert economists" saying that scenario is highly unlikely.
i love the people in doomsday preppers that prep for an economic collapse. i hate when natgeo has "expert economists" saying that scenario is highly unlikely.
Oh, wow the economy really sucks. I need to become more aware about what is going on.

Me everytime I read your econ posts.
A rant
Someone was hurt when I was agreeing with Trilluminated about him being weird.Then he came at
me saying I was weird because I post 100x a day and I love Zooey.I only posted 100x a day once or twice.
The last time I said I love Zooey Deschanel in here was during Spanish TAN a few weeks ago.
You're lucky I didn't came at you about your low key,****** appreciation thread.Now that's being weird.
You gave TAN a bad reputation for a while son.

Oh by the way
You can't claim that I was hurt when you're the one who left tan.

I asked Trill "weird in what way?" and somehow I'm hurt because you cosigned.

You were the one who was hurt hence your "why do you care" when I asked you why you were leaving. I didn't get at you. I just pointed our your hypocrisy.

It doesn't matter how much you actually post. The point is that you post a lot.

Saying that it was only a few times doesn't nullify that fact.

That doesn't matter either. I don't keep tabs on how many times you post I love zooey.

The TS thread was a continuation of the TS discussion that originated in tan.

People said to make a thread, I made a thread.

I didn't start the TS discussion in tan so you can't claim that.

Lastly, I knew you that weren't actually leaving tan so i psed a pic making it look like you viewed this thread to see if you were actually lurking this thread.

Sure enough like clockwork you replied to my post.

Which ended your supposed break from tan.

You never left, so you can't say that you're back.
"Matter fact, I hop out that ************ and be like DOOT! DOOT! DOOT! ....DOOT! DOOT! DOOT! DOOT! DOOT!"
I can safely say I've never once checked this thread and said "boy I hope people are talking about their bowel movements." why people feel like talking about that is beyond me.
Trying to get dome from a chick with a small mouth
at least you getting domed up 

I can safely say I've never once checked this thread and said "boy I hope people are talking about their bowel movements." why people feel like talking about that is beyond me.
last night me and my boys were playing Halo and talking about what guys we'd eat shrimp outta there buttholes....... got mad lulz from the lobby crowd 
I can safely say I've never once checked this thread and said "boy I hope people are talking about their bowel movements." why people feel like talking about that is beyond me.
Gotta take the good with the bad.
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