the thread about nothing...

Have a test tomorrow, and a paper due Friday! then it's spring break :pimp:

Just not motivated to study or write a paper tho :smh:
Got a coworker here who doesn't feel "wanted" so dude started doing his resume... I low key wanted a manager to walk boy.

Another idiot coworker...

Dude has been bragging about how he was going to get someone to take his FBI exam.. I'm glad it didn't work out. :lol:
Just found out this girl I used to talk to passed away from Lupus between yesterday and today |I

She just got diagnosed last week which is really crazy

Its weird, I just love PEOPLE in general so much that I take stuff like this personally, even if we were never that close.
NT tip: do not use nt's uploader to upload gifs
Use or

the uploader is okay for pix, but the boreder is kind of annoying
Thanks, tinypic sucks now and sometimes the embed code doesnt work on certain urls for whatever reason

and imgnook used to take my uploads and switch them with pornographic images
my girl has been at this job of hers for 7 years or so, she does soooo damn much..

she works as an associate producer but her work is so cheap they wont give her that title, because they know they will have to pay her more, mind you this company makes millions each year

they have gotten rid of so many people and she has had to pick up all the slack, they dont appreciate what she does for the company.

they give her all this responsibility but they dont giver her the power to do what she needs to do to make things run smoother..bunch of politics.

this film company that has done alot of major movies recently came to make a movie about the companies history, 

the producer of the film and owner of the company told my girl that she has a spot at his production company whenever she wants,

i think they are taking notice of how much of an asset she is and that she could do so much more than to be someplace else where she is utilized to her full potential.

i work at this company also running the audio and whatnot, im pretty sure she could get me job at the film company also, because of my background.
my girl has been at this job of hers for 7 years or so, she does soooo damn much..
she works as an associate producer but her work is so cheap they wont give her that title, because they know they will have to pay her more, mind you this company makes millions each year
they have gotten rid of so many people and she has had to pick up all the slack, they dont appreciate what she does for the company.
they give her all this responsibility but they dont giver her the power to do what she needs to do to make things run smoother..bunch of politics.

this film company that has done alot of major movies recently came to make a movie about the companies history, 
the producer of the film and owner of the company told my girl that she has a spot at his production company whenever she wants,
i think they are taking notice of how much of an asset she is and that she could do so much more than to be someplace else where she is utilized to her full potential.

i work at this company also running the audio and whatnot, im pretty sure she could get me job at the film company also, because of my background.

That's the work world no matter what you are doing. Why don't you guys just leave? Seems like a no brainer to me.
We were having a debate in class. Do you guys consider Turkish people more European or Middle-Eastern?

I also want to add that Greeks, Macedonians, Romanians, Amernians, and other Slavic and south east European countries kinda confuse me with there ethnic heritage.
We were having a debate in class. Do you guys consider Turkish people more European or Middle-Eastern?

I also want to add that Greeks, Macedonians, Romanians, Amernians, and other Slavic and south east European countries kinda confuse me with there ethnic heritage.
European to me, Ottoman empire used to run ****, but them being Muslim gets them lumped in with middle easterners
We were having a debate in class. Do you guys consider Turkish people more European or Middle-Eastern?

I also want to add that Greeks, Macedonians, Romanians, Amernians, and other Slavic and south east European countries kinda confuse me with there ethnic heritage.
European to me, Ottoman empire used to run ****, but them being Muslim gets them lumped in with middle easterners

Every Turkish dude I ever met looked Middle Eastern to me
Saw my position posted online, but I have no reason to believe it's in jeopardy. I dunno what to think.
Damn. Maybe they're adding an additional position to your department? I'd think a superior would give you some type of notification though if that was the case
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yeah tell me about it..

we've been thinking about making a move but we never really had anything solid, this movie is a blessing in disguise.
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