the thread about nothing...

Ino brah. Its crazy winds and rain.

Yo I might hit up da src tomorrow
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Y'all in LA too? It was so nice last weekend.

Bruh, it's raining like a muuuuuuuuug

The thunder literally shook my house man.
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real old video before she really blew up so idk but she was a go-go dancer just dont if she still is based off if youtube money is holding her up

mute video

EDIT: apparently embeding doesnt work for me now
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just kidding!!!! I wish i was in LA/LB right now 
 where yall go to school at?
My goddamn apartment walls are so thin all I hear is rain
I'm trying to watch watchmen and all I hear isthechick downstairs getting piped..
i'm amazed that my janky *** apartment's walls aren't thin..... Other than stomping, I really don't hear much else from my neighbors
None of your business bro


@mj fasho.


At least come up with a better lie smh
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