the thread about nothing...

anyone remember MEGADETH from wdywt?

& homeslice that used to date shortypop, with all the comicstrip-theme to his wdywt pics?

Just had a lot of memories right now because I'm buying back some Js I used to have a few years ago which I sold
found HYM! i think his name is revolver

Originally Posted by The4Fifteen

Is Ali a good movie?� On the fence about watching this..� Worth my time?

YES! Good film - The scene where he running through the ghetto one of my favourite scenes of all time
Originally Posted by Will0827

Anyone have amazon prime is it worth it.

Yes yes and yes. I had it for 2 years when it was free for students.
Would consider another subscription if I wasn't trying to cut back on reckless spending
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Will0827

Anyone have amazon prime is it worth it.

Yes yes and yes. I had it for 2 years when it was free for students.
Would consider another subscription if I wasn't trying to cut back on reckless spending

thanks. I cancelled my netflix and hulu accounts, and always wondered about it. And from what i see all the perks you get make it seem worth the price and even better the fact that its a one time payment.
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

found HYM! i think his name is revolver


revolver fresh

at the blatant disrespect
this dude Dizzy stopped posting after he got made a fool.

the real hundreds and dom kennedy beef was also

dude said careful on stage, you dont want another malcom X
Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by SoundnFury

getting in an e argument with ksteezy or dc is on my bucketlist

i gotta step my straw man up

that %**% not on my bucket list but I'm going back and forth (no funnies) with K in another post right now.  It's a lose lose though b/c you can prove him wrong or make him look dumb but he's so self centered he will keep talking about himself relentlessly 

hahah i actually made that post after seeing that argument in the other thread
Originally Posted by bay1591

Kspar wrote:
DaBottom305 wrote:
It took me about 3 years to figure it out. Before I would be posting individual responses to each reply. 
exactly, I dont want to do this anymore and 3 yrs 
@ hitopsandflannel thanks I'll give it a try soon. 

so much work to multi-quote...yet Sillyputty did it with ease in his responses 

This is a test.
MonopolyMan630 wrote:
Another friend zone question. Recently got out of a long term relationship, engaged for the past 2 years. Anyways, it's been awhile since I've dated. Have any of you gotten out of the friend zone with a girl? Was it worth it? Is it as hard as people make it out to be? 

Yea it happens all the time. Not that hard. I randomly called her to ask her to go to lunch, started talking to her consistently (got to the point where it was daily/nightly), and hit her with a couple of corny lines.  I once told her to dream about me one night she got off work real late and said she was ready to go sleep. She said, "You saying stuff like that makes me think you like me as more than a friend." Downplayed it on purpose. She suddenly got the energy to talk another 20 minutes and about a week later she was fan. 

You're Welcome (Kobe System)

Kspar wrote:
so anyone care to show me how to multiquote on nt?

Test worked (I guess my multiquotes dont look like others') Shout out to hitops....
Was in Baltimore from Sunday to Wednesday. Had a decent time.  Shouldve told my boss I wanted to stay all week (my F!$@ up). Girl at front desk told me to hit Power Place (I think that was the name of it) Tonys and couple more places. Went to Tony's on Monday night. Nice women, they were all hood though. Hit %!*@% bar up and a couple more places I cant remember the name of. Tried to get some advice from Niketalk but couldn't post $%% from the tablet I was on.
P.S. The Sheraton downtown on Fayette is not worth 170 a night and the O's are terrible.
Originally Posted by macbk

Finally done with school for this semester 

You college kids have no idea how good you guys have it. The long breaks are one of the many things I miss about college. I went from 4 months off every year during college (went you include holidays and breaks) to 3 weeks off in the working world.
I remember when I first got to college people always told me that those were the best years of your life and now I see why.
Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

found HYM! i think his name is revolver


revolver fresh

at the blatant disrespect
this dude Dizzy stopped posting after he got made a fool.

the real hundreds and dom kennedy beef was also

dude said careful on stage, you dont want another malcom X

Hmm quick backstory?

I remember Revolver Fresh 
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by macbk

Finally done with school for this semester 

You college kids have no idea how good you guys have it. The long breaks are one of the many things I miss about college. I went from 4 months off every year during college (went you include holidays and breaks) to 3 weeks off in the working world.
I remember when I first got to college people always told me that those were the best years of your life and now I see why.

I'm a junior in college, and I'm really trying to figure out what people mean when they say these are the best years of my life. I wake up at 7am every day, go to class/work/ and study all the way until 10 at night. In the summers, I'm working a job 30-40 hours a week. In the "real world", I'm looking at 1 job, weekends completely off, and no homework or studying to do when I get home. I know I'm probably over simplifying things, but can one of you grown folks explain how much more work the real world is? Don't get me wrong, I love college, and I'm having a great time, but this is not the cakewalk people make it out to be (probably because I'm an engineering major with a job)
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by macbk

Finally done with school for this semester 

You college kids have no idea how good you guys have it. The long breaks are one of the many things I miss about college. I went from 4 months off every year during college (went you include holidays and breaks) to 3 weeks off in the working world.
I remember when I first got to college people always told me that those were the best years of your life and now I see why.

I'm a junior in college, and I'm really trying to figure out what people mean when they say these are the best years of my life. I wake up at 7am every day, go to class/work/ and study all the way until 10 at night. In the summers, I'm working a job 30-40 hours a week. In the "real world", I'm looking at 1 job, weekends completely off, and no homework or studying to do when I get home. I know I'm probably over simplifying things, but can one of you grown folks explain how much more work the real world is? Don't get me wrong, I love college, and I'm having a great time, but this is not the cakewalk people make it out to be (probably because I'm an engineering major with a job)

I just graduated college a couple weeks ago. I've always heard people who say college are the best years are your life have had +@@%*! lives post college, so I'm just trying to keep that in mind going forward. Plus, college really wasn't
to me, I went in graduated in four years and now I'm ready for the real world.
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