the thread about nothing...

I realize that alcohol consumption is making me unhappy and its giving me insomnia. I want to stop drinkimg but im Not sure how.
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys 

For the first time in MONTHS I woke up after 7 a.m.

I've had troubles sleeping but I woke up at 9:30 for the first time.

As of lately things are slowly starting to look up 
Originally Posted by jhova718

I realize that alcohol consumption is making me unhappy and its giving me insomnia. I want to stop drinkimg but im Not sure how.

I just quit drinking. It sucks, but I basically spent a few weekends in the house, to avoid temptation, and became super I have alot of trouble sleeping though
Not happy to be back at work but then again its a short work week

I'm ready for fantasy football. Guys over here talking mess already
Ready for Heat/Thunder.  Think the Heat will cover their end, but I am a bit worried about OKC.
10:30 AM after a long weekend and I'm already procrastinating.
Nothing remotely profound to say so I will get back to the grind....
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Cant stand those kinda !*@*%% but�

dude told her he was gon press charges then knock her out

I'm surprised you didn't post any of his miami memorial weekend footage
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Cant stand those kinda !*@*%% but�

dude told her he was gon press charges then knock her out
this guy is hilarious i literally watched all his vids
I was sent to another portion of "my job" and this lady is a B!!!

she started out rude and then tried to tell me a story about her cat that died last week, and another cat that almost died and had surgery.

I love cats, made me think of my cat that passed away about 2 years back...i was gonna empathize with her but she began our "relationship" she got the
 the whole time during the story...she even asked if i liked cats...(i love them

moral of the story? F!!! you lady
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by solarius49

yeah absolutely....but you dont understand I've gone way overboard
Need a ballpark figure dog

Hats off to you sir. Not that high but I'm sure I could get in that ball park. I'm not 15 anymore so I don't have to have sex all the time. Got a couple homeboys who are up there with you. 
Worked out yesterday from 10:45PM-12:30AM... tired as +*$$ today but I gotta go workout.
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