the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

This girl and I have been texting each other constantly since the month of may. We're both in college and I brought her out to the movies before. She did the whole lying on my shoulders thing during the movie and held hands with me briefly. She told me I was in her dream before...just me, her and gym equipment
. This was at the beginning of May, fast forward to the end of the month. I text her about my bad cooking skills and she told me that I should learn how to cook better cause girls like that. In my mind, this to me sounds like shes offering genuine advice and is not interested in me. I texted her "the same can be said for girls." She texted back "she knows" and that "a easy way to get into a guy's heart is through his stomach." I came up with a response that would force her to indirectly tell me if she has feelings for me or not. I responded "is that why you always offer me food?" She replied back no and that shes offers food to everyone. So if I'm reading in between the lines correctly...she has no interest in me and was only toying with me? Friendzoned? We txt each other constantly up until that point. I told her goodnight and stopped texting her after that. Its been a week now and I don't know what to do. I got my vague answer that shes not interested but to just stop texting her cold turkey makes me sound like a jerk. Like I was only her friend for the bunz, but truthfully I saw her as a friend first and then caught feelings. I'm confused NT! It feels good to let this all out but why would she lead me on?!

Tell her how you feel. Ask to move the relationship up.

Yeah that sounds like the typical thing to do but...if i admit that, she will have me by the balls and can dictate my emotions whenever she feels like. Girls like a challenge and just confessing my feelings would drop me to the friendzone...
 I dont have credibility or merit to back up what I said but this is from my own personal experience. I just want to know NT's perspective. Is she interested? or not interested?
Edit: if details matter, she even made me one of those phone charms for my iphone. Like personally made one from clay and all sorts of arts and craft.

Edit #2: She just poked me on FB 2 minutes ago...Can't help but feel giddy but also how weird it is to post this on NT and have her interact moments later...
Just made my first loaf of bread today.
Can't believe how easy it was.
Tomorrow I'm trying the baguette
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

This girl and I have been texting each other constantly since the month of may. We're both in college and I brought her out to the movies before. She did the whole lying on my shoulders thing during the movie and held hands with me briefly. She told me I was in her dream before...just me, her and gym equipment
. This was at the beginning of May, fast forward to the end of the month. I text her about my bad cooking skills and she told me that I should learn how to cook better cause girls like that. In my mind, this to me sounds like shes offering genuine advice and is not interested in me. I texted her "the same can be said for girls." She texted back "she knows" and that "a easy way to get into a guy's heart is through his stomach." I came up with a response that would force her to indirectly tell me if she has feelings for me or not. I responded "is that why you always offer me food?" She replied back no and that shes offers food to everyone. So if I'm reading in between the lines correctly...she has no interest in me and was only toying with me? Friendzoned? We txt each other constantly up until that point. I told her goodnight and stopped texting her after that. Its been a week now and I don't know what to do. I got my vague answer that shes not interested but to just stop texting her cold turkey makes me sound like a jerk. Like I was only her friend for the bunz, but truthfully I saw her as a friend first and then caught feelings. I'm confused NT! It feels good to let this all out but why would she lead me on?!
I'm just learning this term and someone correct me if I'm not applying it correctly but you sir sound like a "texting buddy" 
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

This girl and I have been texting each other constantly since the month of may. We're both in college and I brought her out to the movies before. She did the whole lying on my shoulders thing during the movie and held hands with me briefly. She told me I was in her dream before...just me, her and gym equipment
. This was at the beginning of May, fast forward to the end of the month. I text her about my bad cooking skills and she told me that I should learn how to cook better cause girls like that. In my mind, this to me sounds like shes offering genuine advice and is not interested in me. I texted her "the same can be said for girls." She texted back "she knows" and that "a easy way to get into a guy's heart is through his stomach." I came up with a response that would force her to indirectly tell me if she has feelings for me or not. I responded "is that why you always offer me food?" She replied back no and that shes offers food to everyone. So if I'm reading in between the lines correctly...she has no interest in me and was only toying with me? Friendzoned? We txt each other constantly up until that point. I told her goodnight and stopped texting her after that. Its been a week now and I don't know what to do. I got my vague answer that shes not interested but to just stop texting her cold turkey makes me sound like a jerk. Like I was only her friend for the bunz, but truthfully I saw her as a friend first and then caught feelings. I'm confused NT! It feels good to let this all out but why would she lead me on?!

the real question is, do you wanna smash and how are you going to ask her?
i think you've got it in the bag, just don't ask any more questions about her culinary skills. let her showcase those salad-tossing skills in the kitchen, ya dig? you got it mane. 

The only way to prevent the friend zone, is by smashing. Let her know what the deal is on your end, if that's what you want.
how do I get around country restrictions with google chrome?
to watch different youtube videos or dl podcasts?

thx in advance.
Girl I've been dating for almost 3 months brought up the idea of going to Chicago to do my MA along with her doing hers there also, I would've never thought about leaving Cali but this does sound tempting and this girl is definitely wife material. She said we'll talk about this again in July when we start filling out applications.
Still haven't received my tax refund...filed at the end of February too...

Have to go to an IRS office on Friday and see why they haven't sent my #%+!...
I was being raped in my dream, being strapped down, so I forced myself to wake up (I'm naturally a lucid dreamer so if I can't change the dream I fight to wake up)... And a figure was standing over me. I gave this weak scream and I wasn't still my roommate heard it, I heard it and then I closed my eyes and opened and the figure was gone. The feeling was like someone strapping their hands across your chest and holding you down. Not like sleep paralysis, when you're frozen. I could move and was being held down by something.. I'm shook
this is like some succubus type !@%.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

I was being raped in my dream, being strapped down, so I forced myself to wake up (I'm naturally a lucid dreamer so if I can't change the dream I fight to wake up)... And a figure was standing over me. I gave this weak scream and I wasn't still my roommate heard it, I heard it and then I closed my eyes and opened and the figure was gone. The feeling was like someone strapping their hands across your chest and holding you down. Not like sleep paralysis, when you're frozen. I could move and was being held down by something.. I'm shook
this is like some succubus type !@%.

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

This girl and I have been texting each other constantly since the month of may. We're both in college and I brought her out to the movies before. She did the whole lying on my shoulders thing during the movie and held hands with me briefly. She told me I was in her dream before...just me, her and gym equipment
. This was at the beginning of May, fast forward to the end of the month. I text her about my bad cooking skills and she told me that I should learn how to cook better cause girls like that. In my mind, this to me sounds like shes offering genuine advice and is not interested in me. I texted her "the same can be said for girls." She texted back "she knows" and that "a easy way to get into a guy's heart is through his stomach." I came up with a response that would force her to indirectly tell me if she has feelings for me or not. I responded "is that why you always offer me food?" She replied back no and that shes offers food to everyone. So if I'm reading in between the lines correctly...she has no interest in me and was only toying with me? Friendzoned? We txt each other constantly up until that point. I told her goodnight and stopped texting her after that. Its been a week now and I don't know what to do. I got my vague answer that shes not interested but to just stop texting her cold turkey makes me sound like a jerk. Like I was only her friend for the bunz, but truthfully I saw her as a friend first and then caught feelings. I'm confused NT! It feels good to let this all out but why would she lead me on?!

Tell her how you feel. Ask to move the relationship up.

Yeah that sounds like the typical thing to do but...if i admit that, she will have me by the balls and can dictate my emotions whenever she feels like. Girls like a challenge and just confessing my feelings would drop me to the friendzone...
 I dont have credibility or merit to back up what I said but this is from my own personal experience. I just want to know NT's perspective. Is she interested? or not interested?
Edit: if details matter, she even made me one of those phone charms for my iphone. Like personally made one from clay and all sorts of arts and craft.

Edit #2: She just poked me on FB 2 minutes ago...Can't help but feel giddy but also how weird it is to post this on NT and have her interact moments later...

This is why I avoid texting a chick nonstop. It gets to the point where we'll know each other over a cell phone way better than in real life and that makes me hesitant to go out in person with them because I fear I can't live up to the hype of what I've led on through text.I think you're in a good position now that you've stopped that texting game for awhile so go ahead and make a move to see her in person. It's all up to you from there.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by 2sappy

[h6]looking at Venus was awesome. It's so far away, yet close enough for us to see it. Now we wont be able to see it for another 105 years. Good thing I plan to live forever to see it again.


I wanted to see it, but it was too cloudy out
IT was super cloudy in the DMV couldnt see anything but this is super dope
Today is the start of my 3 year plan of obtaining my Bachelors. I begin class this evening being nervous & excited at the same damn time.
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Today is the start of my 3 year plan of obtaining my Bachelors. I begin class this evening being nervous & excited at the same damn time.


Congrats and good luck, homie.
Ya ya ya ya ya. Ying Yang twins in this thang! To the window, to the wall. Till the sweat drops down my balls. Till all these females crawl. Aw skeet, skeet, skeet.
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