the thread about nothing...

So I go to sleep at 10 o clock last night and wake up to see the PYP has stage dived into lockdown. :smh:

What else I miss :nerd: :nerd:
I know you are right rationale in my head (which doesn't matter really it is still wrong) ex of 6 years was talking to some dude behind my back and left me for this dude. So like in my head im like well at least we both know the situation. She isn't leaving him and I am not asking her too and catching feelings and texting her all the time. Like she is dramatic and needs "the excitement" of the side dude. And if it wasn't me it would be some dude trying to wife not saying im doing dude a favor...but....

See that is terrible rationale...but in my head it some how keeps me from feeling terrible about prob gonna stop

maybe one more time done

You do you brother its your life. Just don't lie to yourself when you know whats really going on...

I'm usually a "do unto others" type person...guess its time to find new yambs

Cognitive Dissonance @ it's finest Jking.

So true

Thanks TAN fam


has nothing to do with getting yambs, its about creeping on girls even when you personally know their significant other

did i really have to explain that to you or did I just misunderstand you? im hoping its the latter
clearly the yambs part was just a throw in.

But whatever dude.
Jking I really think if these are isolated incidents and you never see the dude it's not a big deal. She's gonna do it regardless and you may actually, as crazy as it sounds, be doing dude a service like you said. You both know you aren't gonna catch feelings, it's exciting, you're providing something for her that her bf can't. If she really cared about him then she probably wouldn't be looking for you on the side. And if she does really care about him maybe she'll stop this behavior and commit to him. Until then, if you aren't pulling her away from him or faking on him on a day-to-day basis just do your thing man.


that's what makes the situation so chill. We are mad comfortable with each other. And honestly she is a freak so if it wasn't me it def would be some one else....hell there might be other dudes now...i don't ask :lol:
This pic has me dying... I was reading about something completely unrelated then I see this flash on the right of my screen.

Salute LOT,

Scenario this morning between myself and the water deliveryman at my office. He pressed the button on the elevator...

Him: Good morning
Me: (approaching the elevator) Good morning
Him: Going down bro?
Me (in my mind): :stoneface:
Me (actualy): Yeah


It's Tuesday and this week already has been crazy
Jking I really think if these are isolated incidents and you never see the dude it's not a big deal. She's gonna do it regardless and you may actually, as crazy as it sounds, be doing dude a service like you said. You both know you aren't gonna catch feelings, it's exciting, you're providing something for her that her bf can't. If she really cared about him then she probably wouldn't be looking for you on the side. And if she does really care about him maybe she'll stop this behavior and commit to him. Until then, if you aren't pulling her away from him or faking on him on a day-to-day basis just do your thing man.


that's what makes the situation so chill. We are mad comfortable with each other. And honestly she is a freak so if it wasn't me it def would be some one else....hell there might be other dudes now...i don't ask :lol:

Does the girls boyfriend "provide" for her? Like does he buy her food and stuff and take care of her for the most part? That might be the only reason she's with him if so. I know girls who have put up with dudes they don't even really like any more or want to be with just because they're taken care of. And almost all these girls will have a guy on the side who they can just be themselves with. It's sad but true.

Basically they have been together forever. She is only 22 years old (i am 25) he is 23. They started dating in like high school. Its basically her comfort zone. Their lives are completely intertwined. Like his family loves her she used to live in his parents house with him for a year or two. I think she is just afraid to ever leave him since its all she has known as far as a BF is concerned. They just moved into an apartment together too. He doesn't provide everything for her, she is decently independent but im sure that is part of it too.

She is a really fun out going person so when she is bored of being a home body (he works a lot and they don't really go out a lot) she goes out with the girls and hits me up.
say what you want about my e-career, some of you are straight SCUMB BAGS in real life :lol:

im glad im not you guys

Why even come in here with your negativity? If you're going to do that, please leave. I swear on everything I'll report you.
That Kanye pic fraij.... :rofl:. It's funny, but I have no respect for the man now :smh: .

@JKing, end it. It sucks, it's not fair, you don't like it, it's a good situation, it feels good. But end it. That's foul on both of you, but more so her. If you feel he's a good dude, why infringe on that. How would you feel if you were in his spot and that was your girl? You'd be ready to fade dude on sight. It's not worth it man. Those are one of the worst situations, cool chick, good sex.....boyfriend :smh:. Your time will come homie, no worries.
I hate when cars try to force themselves in front of you. But when you look in your rear view mirror there's no one behind you
Basically they have been together forever. She is only 22 years old (i am 25) he is 23. They started dating in like high school. Its basically her comfort zone. Their lives are completely intertwined. Like his family loves her she used to live in his parents house with him for a year or two. I think she is just afraid to ever leave him since its all she has known as far as a BF is concerned. They just moved into an apartment together too. He doesn't provide everything for her, she is decently independent but im sure that is part of it too.

She is a really fun out going person so when she is bored of being a home body (he works a lot and they don't really go out a lot) she goes out with the girls and hits me up.

Her actions make perfect sense based on what you typed above.

I'll say this. Becoming "intertwined" or a unit at such a young age is not a good thing. Actually, I told my gf this last night. Also told her that I won't be staying at her place any more. And a lot of other stuff was said. Basically I told her our relationship isn't the number one priority in my life any more and I'm going to focus on bettering myself now.

I agree with jumpman. Not that being with a HS BF/GF is bad, but being so young and still wanting to experience certain things, you would naturally want to break free, you're still young and inexperienced at that age. Be thankful no children are involved. My cousin is in a similar situation and has a child, I don't see his relationship ending well. I just think we need time to figure out what WE want individuals. How can we be involved with someone else, giving them attention when we don't know what we ant for ourself half the time? Then the other half, we're humping (or trying to) whatever opportunity comes along. ok, I'm done
-Jking- at the end of the day its cheating. She's putting you in a situation, regardless if you want to recognize it or not.  Hopefully it doesn't get you caught up. 
That Kanye pic fraij.... :rofl:. It's funny, but I have no respect for the man now :smh: .

@JKing, end it. It sucks, it's not fair, you don't like it, it's a good situation, it feels good. But end it. That's foul on both of you, but more so her. If you feel he's a good dude, why infringe on that. How would you feel if you were in his spot and that was your girl? You'd be ready to fade dude on sight. It's not worth it man. Those are one of the worst situations, cool chick, good sex.....boyfriend :smh:. Your time will come homie, no worries.

I hear ya man. That's what got to me about the premeditated nature of this weekend. Like i can wake up be like damn i drank too much...that was a mistake...and not feel like a complete doosh bag (yep spell it like that). But i couldn't go into the night knowing the outcome. Had me feeling really anxious.

Guess its time to call it quits.
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That Kanye pic fraij.... :rofl:. It's funny, but I have no respect for the man now :smh: .

@JKing, end it. It sucks, it's not fair, you don't like it, it's a good situation, it feels good. But end it. That's foul on both of you, but more so her. If you feel he's a good dude, why infringe on that. How would you feel if you were in his spot and that was your girl? You'd be ready to fade dude on sight. It's not worth it man. Those are one of the worst situations, cool chick, good sex.....boyfriend :smh:. Your time will come homie, no worries.

I hear ya man. That's what got to me about the premeditated nature of this weekend. Like i can wake up be like damn i drank too much...that was a mistake...and not feel like a complete doosh bag (yep spell it like that). But i couldn't go into the night knowing the outcome. Had me feeling really anxious.

Guess its time to call it quits.

I can't tell you how to live or feel, but if YOU can't live with the decision, then you already have your answer. Stay up man.
Basically they have been together forever. She is only 22 years old (i am 25) he is 23. They started dating in like high school. Its basically her comfort zone. Their lives are completely intertwined. Like his family loves her she used to live in his parents house with him for a year or two. I think she is just afraid to ever leave him since its all she has known as far as a BF is concerned. They just moved into an apartment together too. He doesn't provide everything for her, she is decently independent but im sure that is part of it too.

She is a really fun out going person so when she is bored of being a home body (he works a lot and they don't really go out a lot) she goes out with the girls and hits me up.
Her actions make perfect sense based on what you typed above.

I'll say this. Becoming "intertwined" or a unit at such a young age is not a good thing. Actually, I told my gf this last night. Also told her that I won't be staying at her place any more. And a lot of other stuff was said. Basically I told her our relationship isn't the number one priority in my life any more and I'm going to focus on bettering myself now.
"But guess what, she can't leave him
Maybe it's somethin' I don't know about, maybe she needs him
Means I still gotta front like we ain't sleepin'
Still gotta shake his hand, I still gotta see him"'

Joe Budden 10 minutes IRL
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