the thread about nothing...



Weeks not too bad?

Salute LOT,

Scenario this morning between myself and the water deliveryman at my office. He pressed the button on the elevator...

Him: Good morning
Me: (approaching the elevator) Good morning
Him: Going down bro?
Me (in my mind): :stoneface:
Me (actualy): Yeah


It's Tuesday and this week already has been crazy
:lol: :lol: how is this a crazy story??

I wasn't referring to that situation as a crazy story. Other stuff has been happening
Tell me more :smile:

Actually had two deaths in my family on Saturday and some stuff I just won't share on NT. Some things gotta stay off here. They're not really exciting anyway.

BUT, I just knocked off this cheese infused cheesburger though. So bad, yet so good.... :lol:

My sincerest condolences. Seriously.
Nothing goes together like Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles and red(tropical punch) Kool-Aid.

Salute LOT,

Scenario this morning between myself and the water deliveryman at my office. He pressed the button on the elevator...

Him: Good morning
Me: (approaching the elevator) Good morning
Him: Going down bro?
Me (in my mind): :stoneface:
Me (actualy): Yeah


It's Tuesday and this week already has been crazy
:lol: :lol: how is this a crazy story??

i think the no omo stuff lol.

i remember one of the big bosses was excited i took the initiative to help out and he was like "we'll have a threesome" (3 guys)

edit: nvm

i should have said pause lol
Last edited:
8 hours then in off to SF again at 330!
On that mission I see
. You enjoy the game last night? I saw that
I was hoping to see Rck on TV
 I'll be sitting center-left right to the left of the scoreboard, 6th row 

I'd be down to stop by... but that douchebag friend I was telling you about is driving 
8 hours then in off to SF again at 330!
On that mission I see
. You enjoy the game last night? I saw that
Yessir it was good times. Had like 8 beers at the game..... them prices 
 glad I loaded up at Happy Hour outside the stadium before the game 
Nothing goes together like Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles and red(tropical punch) Kool-Aid.

Have you tried putting random chips on top of your ramen? I've always been curious about this. Ex inmates says its the [emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji]
Once again, thanks for the condolences y'all. I really appreciate it.

@Tahrone remembering what they call "swole" in jail :rofl:

@jthagreat :rofl:, that comment is too wild
I don't see how you got that with a condom though, and worrying dos nothing good anyways. Why would it "kill your joy"- if you ain't having random hookups anymore anyways- then the only difference is you would have to take some antibiotics for a week or 2 (if it 1 in a million chance of getting that with a condom on actually happened). I just don't see why you'd waste your time worrying about it, you have a better chance of getting in an accident or robbed (or worse) than this anyways- so yeah- you should get over it
Maybe there was a small hole in the condom... small enough to trap water in but not the bacteria that causes chlamydia out. Cause I filled the condom with water to check for breaks. I was worried about pregnancy than anything else that time.

I don't receive oral sex without a condom either. I wear Magnums. Although this last time was Trojan Ecstasy. I was feeling adventurous.

That second time was aggressive they had to give me a shot of powerful stuff to get rid of it. 

Yesterday I came to terms with not every girl has something, but still the fear of STD's and HIV is REALLY REALLY overpowering, more than the pleasurable memories. I think I'm developing an unhealthy fear of sex and germs.
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