the thread about nothing...

Started watching Weeds and i've been hooked since ep 1, wish i found out about this earlier, and hooked up my TV so it plays volume from the computer, this is going to be an awesome sunday 

maybe a gyro and sub for lunch too, yea sounds about right 
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am i wrong for thinking that church is this now a days :

i guess all the times of my mom making us go to those megas churches in atl got me feeling this way.

But i would no doubt attend a church that had this man give a sermon 
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How can we have confidence in making major life decisions when the correctness of prior may never be known?
decisions are related: one decision leads to another.

Every decision you make affects you, no matter how small. There is not ONE decision that is not affected by others you make.

I think you are supposed to build confidence through experience, it's not innate.  (not sure if my opinion is clear)
had my 5 month old daughters baptism last night... while the bones jones fight, dunk exchange, and thunder game was going on... I walked into church and just handed my phone to the wifey to resist updates :smh:

if you don't want that dad life, keep a trash bag in the garbage can 8)
had my 5 month old daughters baptism last night... while the bones jones fight, dunk exchange, and thunder game was going on... I walked into church and just handed my phone to the wifey to resist updates :smh:

if you don't want that dad life, keep a trash bag in the garbage can 8)

Youre also Da father of Tan :nthat:
Not even going to lie I forgot all about Mother's Day. My mother kept bringing it up, so she must want a gift this year. lmfao
I was in my old town for a farewell party and my old girl hit me up. I was trying to swing by our old house we shared and pick up some old clothes, shoes, artwork, DVD collection, etc.

This immature person said she donated it al recently to Good Will. What an amazing person!
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