How'd you guys figure out that you're allergic to something?
Was it just because you randomly encountered it or is it because you had some type of test done?
One of my friend's is allergic to cut grass.
I'm sorry to all the people with allergies but this made me laugh.
allergies aren't funny. I'm terribly allergic to cats, its horrible!
I used to be allergic to chocolate, it made me break out
I've never had allergies, broke out, been "sick."
My immune system must be at wolverine.
You're right I should be sensitive to people who have alleriges. I can only imagine how unfortunate it is to be having to go through that every day or every other day.
Come to think of it, I've never thrown up from something that I've ate(food). Getting the feeling of throwing up is an allergic reaction as well right?
I tried to swallow a big piece of confetti when I was 7 and that made me throw up.
But that was a one time thing.