the thread about nothing...

Boy45 -
U change ur avy alot..

In that avy though she kinda looks like my HS prom date

I think its the dimples..
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Really thinking about doing a Batman marathon... well just the two Nolan movies.

Im probably going to do that right now.. To occupy time until game 3 of the nba finals..
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Really thinking about doing a Batman marathon... well just the two Nolan movies.

Im probably going to do that right now.. To occupy time until game 3 of the nba finals..
Man I failed... Only ended up watching Begins. Movie is ill. Can't wait to watch all 3 movies back to back. Its going to be a smooth transition. 
After watching this scene I did feel like playing Arkham City: 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Antidope wrote:
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

My little brother stole $600 from me on Friday. This is the second time he's stolen money from me. Last year, he stole a $1000+ exactly one year ago.

Now NT; I know some of us love our siblings or what not - but I literally want to hurt this kid. To the point where I leave a scar, or something permanent to show him how I feel. I pay the bills in the house that he lives in for free, yet he feels the need to steal from the source that provides for him. He doesn't acknowledge the fact that I am part of the reason why there's a roof over his head when he needs one, why he can come home and there's food in the fridge, why the internet is available to provide him entertainment.

I literally pay for all of those things. I sacrificed living in California where I was very comfortable - to come back home to Cleveland to help my mother with the rent and bills until my little brothers got on their feet. A year later, nothing has changed - and if anything - I've taken more of a loss, and these little bastards haven't learned anything.

I don't know what to do anymore. I want to leave here and go back to Cali, but my mother won't have anyone to help because my low-life piece of $#$+ brothers can't be men and provide for her like she did for us growing up.

I'm sick of this $#$+ fam. I might up and leave soon but I have to make sure my mother is straight. Don't know what to do...
Wow seriously? No respect... Whats preventing you from calling him out on it? Dont want to start family drama? I dont know whats going on but theres no way you could just go to Cali with your mom and leave them behind?
Before you even worry I feel like you need to set your brother straight. He did it a second time because he got away with it the first time and thinks he can do it whenever he feels like. If you straighten this out it could be step one towards getting them all to start being men.

I wish I can take my mom to Cali with me, but she's too comfortable where she's at, with her sisters and friends living here.

The first time it happened, he vanished for a month. He must've blew that 1100 while he was gone - because we didn't see him for a month, which lead me to believe something was up. So I checked my stash where I keep some cash, and I noticed the little !*$*%% took 1000+.

I was irate. I flipped out on everybody in the house. I literally couldn't get a hold of him at all, no one knew where he went. The problem is, it causes stress to my mother. She on the other hand, underminds the whole thing and trys to act like it's not a big deal - just so she can protect him. When I finally caught up to him a month and a half later, I whooped his +#@ like he never been whooped before. I had him in tears. Still though, it didn't bring back my 1000.

This time, he's taken 600 from me. Obviously he's not learning his lesson, so I'm going to make sure this time around. I'm going to hurt him and I really don't care if it causes stress to my mom or not, because it will be a man-to-man lesson. If I leave a scar, break a bone, whatever the case may be - it's going to happen - and I don't care for the repercussion at this point. Enough is enough man.

I even called him yesterday from my moms phone, he didn't pick up so I left a voicemail and I literally threatened him like he's never been threatened before. I told if I don't see my money in a week, I'll make he never walks the same again. I even tweeted him too (the tiny link in my sig)..

..I'm tight. Real disgusted.
Son really just said "OK" and proceeded to subtweet. IDK if theyre about you or not, but they seem like it. I can only imagine how much worse its been for you. You're definitely justified in leaving.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Boy45 -
U change ur avy alot.. 

In that avy though she kinda looks like my HS prom date 

I think its the dimples..
Danpat though
. I heard she ended up putting "those pics" out but I never saw.

Ariana is appreciated as well.

Originally Posted by CJ863

Any of you guise recommend some good vids about learning to cut black hair?
I remember there being a thread about this. I cant find it though, I dont think it was the "Ask the Barber thread" but this might help.;feature=related 

Ask the barber anything.
I despise unreleased electro songs. I can't just sit on youtube listening to snippets of them jawns forever. +@@@#%% release the song or let me pay you individually so I can get that #%@$ man.
Originally Posted by oidreez

do yall cop those monthly/daily memberships to file sharing sites?
i always thought that was kinda like snitching on yourself , especially if they trace the info
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by oidreez

do yall cop those monthly/daily memberships to file sharing sites?
i always thought that was kinda like snitching on yourself , especially if they trace the info
Nah, I never bought a membership to those sites, but not for that reason.  To me I just didn't see the point
in paying for it.  I always got good speeds without a membership or I was just patient enough to wait.

Most the sharing sites are pretty weak now after that crackdown so I don't even really bother with them at all

mirc >>>>
Everyone get their posts in now...Once the basketball game hits the 4th quarter then it's nighty night for the yuku server.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Everyone get their posts in now...Once the basketball game hits the 4th quarter then it's nighty night for the yuku server.
 Yup. That 3 KD hit in game 2 shut yuku the hell down.
natrix916 wrote:
Animal Thug - How old are your brothers anyway?

The one that took my money is 19. The other ones that live with us are 21 and 23. Grown @#@@*+$ men.

@Antidope, I noticed he's tweeting about me - but it's cool because he has no place to sleep, so he gotta come home eventually after that punk @$# $600 dries up....

and I'll be waiting by the door, so nonchalantly like this:

Spoiler [+]
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