the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by iYen

I watched the first episode of Dexter yesterday.
Spoiler [+]
This whole season will be around how Dexter trumps this guy right? The show seems watchable but it hasn't caught my interest just yet. I already dislike his sister. That black dude has got to be one of the funniest characters I've seen on a show.
you are correct.

keep watching. I hate Deb
Originally Posted by jeenewed

man 7/20 of the threads on the first page are "official" threads or threads talking about breasts and whatnot.

Apart from this thread, and occasionally others there's no like insight on others NTers lives, which attracted most of us to General in the first place. It's all news and said "official" threads and whatnot.

Feels batman
I feel you, but if you really think about it, their interests in girls and stuff could count as insight to their lives. I for one just assume that most people arent going through anything that they consider to be a major struggle which is good for them, or they just dont feel like this is the place to talk about it. 
Originally Posted by rice boy 45
Dan Schneider yo....

Originally Posted by ErickM713

This year has probably been the worst for me, but I'm trying to keep the good vibes going bruhs.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

my life right now 
 when it rains, IT POURS. 
I feel you guys man I'm in the same boat kind of, been sad all the time lately. I just try to remind myself that theres people out there who have it way worse. Wow NewM thats rough man I'm sorry to hear that. All of that is really terrible news.

Erick props for you for offering that dude a place to stay in your house man, I forgot what thread I saw it in but I know you're in here the most so you'll prob see it. Well turns out it was this thread.

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

ewwwww, you can barely even taste mayo 

what does mayo taste like man? I ain't never tried it, never been a fan of white sauces
What? Have you never had alredo? If so then 

Originally Posted by solarius49

Stuff like this is what I try to do.

On a brighter note, one of my favorite shows from last year comes back tomorrow. MTVs Awkward. My friend made me watch it and I got hooked. Same with RJ Berger but MTV had to be MTV and cancel it.
I know what it tastes like
Some good coke dog
Go get your face pipe

Put on my Laker jersey 

Then I go rape white....number 8
Originally Posted by MMG

One of my New Era Connects Came thru, shipped straight from Buffalo

no i cant help, no i cant get anymore, fits pretty good and i like the material

Retail is $35

i think RD is July 15th?

Cant wait for the NFL season now


New era makes nfl hats now.. Crazy..
Originally Posted by haddix

Originally Posted by cbass625

How does one become a car salesman?? Would I just walk in to a dealership and ask for an application? Is it easier to know someone? What if I don't know much about cars?
This was a random thought I had on my way home from work.

Anyone else feel they do their best thinking when they are driving alone whether its to work or somewhere else?

I'd like to know this also. Been thinking of going to the local Toyota dealership.I do my best thinking while
Like almost any job, if you have a connect, that will help. My brother is a car salesman. When he started he didn't know a thing about cars, in fact, he probably still doesn't know much.. just about his brand and how to sell the features. He had a connection that helped him get the job, but he says there's always new people because a lot struggle to make sales and can't adjust to it. So if you do get a job there, you might not be a huge success right off the bat. Plus, there's always the veteran salesmen competing against you, so that doesn't help.
So does nobody believe the world will end in 2012 anymore? I thought for sure people would be fraaking out by now.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by SpaceLemonkush

know that feel... i swear music/bud  kept me alive

been there ,lived that
In just June, JUST june:
Spoiler [+]
my grandma died  
lost my keys had to pay to change the locks 

lost my scholarships for fall + spring  

somehow I'm not eligible to take a class I already took that brought my entire GPA down 

and I just lost my debit card with no cash on me
may sound clichce, but things always be looking at their worst right before the %#*# gets better, idk if you religious and even if you not the universe will only screw you so many times, try and keep ya head up bro, try and find something to take your mind off of it, go to school and see if you can get into that class, try and get a loan or try for new schilarships its akways something out there
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

ewwwww, you can barely even taste mayo

what does mayo taste like man? I ain't never tried it, never been a fan of white sauces

man i thought i was the only 1. i hate mayo/mayonaise & just the smell of ranch is enough to make me wanna vommit
Originally Posted by haddix

So does nobody believe the world will end in 2012 anymore? I thought for sure people would be fraaking out by now.
If it ends it ends....can't do anything about it. As long as I get to see seasons 5 and 6 of Breaking Bad I'm good 
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