the thread about nothing...

You ever been smacked with one of these ??

i have 
You had nice parents.
It's so amazing (and frustrating) how many US born citizens call my job and are clueless when I ask them what browser they're using.......................... :smh:
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It's so amazing (and frustrating) how many US born citizens call my job and are clueless when I ask them what browser they're using.......................... :smh:
Why would they honestly know?

I mean if they icon is on the desktop and they're clicking it to browser the net I'd assume they knew what they were clicking on.. guess I give some people too much credit. I asked a guy what address was in his address bar and it took me almost 5 minutes to get the answer out of him.
i just realized how much of a boring person i am. feels batman. |I

samesies. I don't even mind it anymore.

about to go outside for the first time since I woke up this morning. I need some air.

and a bike.

I want the Romeo from Pure Fix so baddd.


Add me to the boring crew.. i stay getting invited out, and i never go.. i just want to stay home 

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