the thread about nothing...


wanted jersey so much when i was younger
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some asian greek drama on my news feed right now :lol:
so happy I didn't join that asian sorority...that would have been a disaster :lol: :smh:
some asian greek drama on my news feed right now

so happy I didn't join that asian sorority...that would have been a disaster
I honestly can not figure out what race you are. From the little bit that I've gathered from your post I can only assume you're Blasian?
Was just asking a question how product would keep your hair natural. No need to be feisty mami.

I don't feel like explaining it, but if you actually want to know how/why (which you probably don't) I could give you some reading material/videos.

Thank you, bye.
i hate getting in fit's like bangin the life size skelton model from biology class.....
When you guys text people do you guys use gifs? I feel like starting to do it with everyone I contact through phone. Gifs are so funny and useful.
some asian greek drama on my news feed right now :lol:
so happy I didn't join that asian sorority...that would have been a disaster :lol: :smh:
I really do not understand your strange infatuation/fetish with Asians....

kinda weird.

INB4 obligatory 'cool' or 'ok' or any other sassy one worded response
some asian greek drama on my news feed right now :lol:
so happy I didn't join that asian sorority...that would have been a disaster :lol: :smh:

Yoooo Asian sorority girls are some the messiest females. I had beef with these two SoPi girls in my organic chemistry lab during my second year. My friend and I tried to befriend them but they would look at us like we were crazy. :stoneface: beezys. The stories I hear from them during their social events. :smh:

I'm a bit salty that pops didn't let me pledge for theta tau. I got a ******g bid. It's a geeky co-Ed fraternity for engineers.
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I really do not understand your strange infatuation/fetish with Asians....

kinda weird.

INB4 obligatory 'cool' or 'ok' or any other sassy one worded response

:lol: There is no fetish. I thought it was weird as ****, but some chick approached me since she thought I was half-asian :lol: and said there's was free food and gifts

So, whatever, I've joined cults for free food before :rofl:

I got my bid and left the next day. Now the looks I get... :smh: :lol:

Yoooo Asian sorority girls are some the messiest females. I had beef with these two SoPi girls in my organic chemistry lab during my second year. My friend and I tried to befriend them but they would look at us like we were crazy. :stoneface: beezys. The stories I hear from them during their social events. :smh:

I'm a bit salty that pops didn't let me pledge for theta tau. I got a ******g bid. It's a geeky co-Ed fraternity for engineers.
:lol: they are too messy :smh: fighting all up in the library :lol:

Fun Fact;

My and my ex used to watch Rupauls drag race religiously.

Don't judge me.

redeeming quality
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Anyone ever eat at a restaurant and you keep exchanging looks with the chick at the table in front of you...but both of you are out with someone else?
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