the thread about nothing...

I was also shocked when I read the words Tuberculosis, wasnt aware it was still a serious issue. Care to shed some light on that?
-Fine. I'm a Public Health Adviser for NYCDOHMH, I work in Tuberculosis Control. Mystery solved

are you from the 1800's?

Don't be a jerk. Srs.
i wasn't trying to be a jerk...i have a family member who died of tb. I just didn't realize it was a problem over here?

Oh. From my experience, it's very surprising how much TB gets overlooked and misdiagnosed. It's largely ignored in medical school. I've had to literally teach some residents on what to look for and explain to them what goes on. It's so basic.
ive posted entirely too much today i need to take a break from NT wasted my damn saturday after work on here and watchin the hof stuff.. i can't wait to get my jeep out the shop next week
I was also shocked when I read the words Tuberculosis, wasnt aware it was still a serious issue. Care to shed some light on that?

Well, we tend to see it in immigrants from high TB populations across the world (Mexico, China, India etc). There is a real issue with those from Tibetan origin, they have high resistance to first line medication and they have to be treated aggressively sometimes. While it's not a major public health threat, it's still an issue if not controlled. It has decreased significantly since the 90's in NYC. From what my co workers tell me that have been there that long, it was nuts back then.
I was also shocked when I read the words Tuberculosis, wasnt aware it was still a serious issue. Care to shed some light on that?
i guess beh is the reason why it's not a problem.

:lol:, no. I do what I can given the facilities I cover. I will say this, I do have a good work ethic. I can't say the same for my other co workers. Why do you think I post during the work day? They're lazy. Sometimes, I look see how much I post while doing a lot of work. **** is crazy. You'd think I'm lazy, but I'm well organized to make sure my workflow is seamless and I can carve out time to integrate NT in my day :lol:
Random but does anyone know how FB or other social media sites handle your personal information uploaded by others? For instance, FB has the phonebook thing where you can attach it someelse's account. Do they keep track of that even after the fact? I hope I'm making sense.
Ill never understand the female psyche.

How do you take someone's number, hit Them up to make sure they have your info.

Have a small convo, then stop answering.

THEN contact them a week later,
Apologizing for not contacting earlier and stop answering again

thas called a female pimp playa..she just makin sure her stable is in check. She'll let you know when she's ready for a smash...

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