the thread about nothing...

Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.

Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.

If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.
Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.
Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.
If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.

You know what to do...

Get them throwback yambs
I wish people would stop complaining about the quality of shoes now. Everyone looks at pics without holding the shoe personally and makes up their mind. Yet, the same people scramble after release date. I wish everyone would either shut the **** up about it and don't buy if it's wack. /minirant.

I see this alot in the JB forum. Never fails with every shoe release.
Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.

Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.

If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.
I'm Assuming she left dude who was hitting her?
I'm Assuming she left dude who was hitting her?


She's trying to feed me this sob story, telling me she's in debt and single.

I think she's expecting me to swoop in like Batman and save the day.
Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.
Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.
If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.

:rofl: says the dude who offers money to scammed NT'ers with whom he has had no relationship with. That last part got me :lol: but ok. Guess she's an ex for a reason.
:rofl: says the dude who offers money to scammed NT'ers with whom he has had no relationship with. That last part got me :lol: but ok. Guess she's an ex for a reason.

That should say a lot about her, shouldn't it?

Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.

Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.

If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.
invite her to breakfast for some sausage and scrambled eggs 
I wish people would stop complaining about the quality of shoes now. Everyone looks at pics without holding the shoe personally and makes up their mind. Yet, the same people scramble after release date. I wish everyone would either shut the **** up about it and don't buy if it's wack. /minirant.

This is exactly why I haven't bought a release since 2004....the price has gone up up up and the quality is straight crap. But yeah, if you complain about it....don't go buy the shoe and stunt with them, that is hypocritical.
That should say a lot about her, shouldn't it?

Sounds like she has her foot in the response is the best response if you are truly done with the situation. If you feel like entertaining it go ahead and hit that forehand winner, sounds like you have match point already.
Yes. Exactly my point :lol:

My bad, thought you were trying to punk me, :lol:.

Oh, and Kendrick Lamar is a monster.

Sounds like she has her foot in the response is the best response if you are truly done with the situation. If you feel like entertaining it go ahead and hit that forehand winner, sounds like you have match point already.

Yea, I probably shouldn't have responded, but I have a weakness for people in need of help.

I don't know why, but it is what it is.

I'm not sure if she really remembers that and she's trying to take advantage, or what.

I'll probably end up going to dinner to assess the situation and then take it from there.

She'll be scrubbing dishes if she tries making me pay for her, though.
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Ex girl just asked me out to dinner.
Not sure what to think of this, or how to respond.
If she thinks she's getting a free meal out of me, she's got another thing coming.

I would go, try to get the yambs one more time, but only pay for your meal lol
Honestly, I don't even want the yambs.

I've never been one to take advantage of a female and that's not going to change.

She could place the yambs in my face and I would still pass.

I'm above her and I think we both know it.
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Honestly, I don't even want the yambs.
I've never been one to take advantage of a female and that's not going to change.
She could place the yambs in my face and I would still pass.
I'm above her and I think we both know it.

your a bigger man than me
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