the thread about nothing...


Here's a confession:

I'm a really good writer,I want to move to Hollywood to pursue screenwriting but I'm stuck in lawschool. Sooo I've decided to do drugs until I'm done and pray it doesn't stick.
Here's a confession:

I'm a really good writer,I want to move to Hollywood to pursue screenwriting but I'm stuck in lawschool. Sooo I've decided to do drugs until I'm done and pray it doesn't stick.
:rofl: I only came in here cuz the preview let me read part of this post and I was slightly interested to read the whole thing. I was about to suggest I know of a few actual lawyers (or at least past the bar) who have made the switch to writing prose or comics and screenwriting for television (since you know being lawyer requires a lot of writing and writing eloquently when needed) so it's not impossible but then I read your full post and the last part :rofl:

You wylin b. Don't end up an addict or OD.

Finish law school and/or pass the bar, then start off slow. You don't necessarily have to move to Hollywood right away to get in to screenwriting :lol: You can start in a slightly different medium, get your name out there by getting something published and then make connections to reach your goal.

Before all that though, since you say you're really good at writing, feel free to post a short story or something.
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Screenplay I'm 'working on'. Managers name is berry Allen. This isn't the right format, but if you can't follow the rough draft the writing probably isn't good enough.

Want a scene where the husband meets the bank manager

Right after they had sex, micheal walks into the bank asking for Lisa, lisa and berry both walk out of berry's office

"Hey, this is Micheal, my husband"

'Nice to me you. I'm berry'

Micheal looks inquisitively

'Nice to meet you'

'Well, it seems like y'all have something important to talk about. Liz, ill see you after lunch?'

'Yea that's fine'

(Berry) awkwardly

'Nice meeting you'

MicheAl, looking at Lisa


Berry walks away

'You ******g the flash?'

'No....why would you think that'

'He called you Liz...your name is Lisa'

'My names Elizabeth'

' strangers'

'Everyone calls me Liz'

'Only people you're close to'

'Youre paranoid'

'Maybe, but I'm not stupid. If you hear anything let me know'

Walks away

Lisa yells

'You know it's your fault I'm in this ****** place...'

To herself
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