the thread about nothing...

finals coming to a close, NT getting sensitive again 
My mom asked me if I wanted to head back to Canada to visit after New Years all out old friends

I'm kind of nervous, haven't been back since the 4th grade :alienface
What part of Canada? Have you ever been to Nova Scotia?
Haha that card got better. I love how creative NTers can be.

Had to walk to my boy's house to pick up in the snow. Not so bad out here in NY. Wore my college blue 17s
they're gonna be my new beaters since they're pretty creased. Need a DS pair.

Gonna listen to some Zeppelin in a few. Been a minute since I listened to them.
off topic and way random but did you add me on instagram?
Very possibly. Bayyrd right? My IG is frankcesare3.

@Moe Fab glad your teacher was cool. My creative writing teacher in college was solid from a learning standpoint but a bit of a douche. I had this 30 page intro to this novel I was working on at the time, went to dude during his office hours and asked him if he could just read through it quickly and dude straight up told me it's doubtful he'll ever get to it. Like c'mon b I'm paying bank for this education and because this ain't graded you don't care? Prob still chilling on the shelf in his office

I wanna teach creative writing eventually so dude is my motivation to do right by every writer I come across that asks for a hand. Makes me feel worse that I took so long to get back to you Moe. My bad again.

Feel free to PM me if you have anything else that you'd like read. Same goes for anyone else writing on here.
Yeah, I had her last year for 101. Cool *** lady. Told her to keep in touch. 

I remember you saying something along those lines. N don't feel bad, I ain't trippin'. I will definitely be sending you some future writings


I hate when people just have to say something negative
Word, I hate that too. It's like c'mon b, don't kill the vibe
80s babies feel like the last of the...I don't even know...but something...feel like it ended with the 80s babies. 
I know what you mean. It's like we were the last of the playing outside generation. I never see kids playing outside anymore. Technology can be the greatest, but at the same time the worst. Dat double-edged sword 

beh repped 

I can understand how kids form the 90s look at the 80s, I just happened to be born in a time where things just happened to be good to what is the pop culture TODAY. It'll change in 50 years and won't look so great. Then I'll be the old man waving my fist for the kids to get off my lawn. It's all relative. Real talk, the 80's was the ****. Who was ******g with Mr. T tho? 
I pity the fool who thought he could 

Something eerie happened to society...its like too much intrusion now. 

You're not free like back then, people just freely exploiting themselves on the net now.

Its strange. 
Yup, pretty much. But it has also been pretty positive. The ability to keep in contact with those from your past via social media is pretty cool. Just gotta find the silver linings b



over these

Isn't that his daughter tho?
i just saved 152 dollars and won't risk my life going to the ratchet mall 
I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico. But I burned it all up like Pepsi did Michael

So much wrong, but so much win
So this is(day 2 of) insomnia...

When do the hallucinations kick in?
Man just take some sleeping aid and call it a night.

Or crack open some whiskey and listen to country music
Maybe a little sausage?
The only reason Santa loves Christmas so much is because he knows where all the bad girls are.
Ho ho ho 

The only reason Santa loves Christmas so much is because he knows where all the bad girls are.
Why do you think he's so happy when he says Ho Ho Ho? I'd be happy too
My dude!


If I open one fortune cookie, then open another...does that void the first fortune cookie message?
Maybe? Never thought of it like that. Here you can have my fortune
Look guys Idiocracy

A woman was walking along a bay in Melbourne when she became distracted by her Facebook feed and fell off the pier into the chilly water.

SYDNEY  — A tourist in Australia had to be rescued by police after plunging off a pier while browsing Facebook on her phone, officials said Wednesday.

The woman was walking along a bay in Melbourne on Monday night when she became distracted by her Facebook feed and plummeted off the pier into the chilly water, Victoria state police said.

A witness called for help and police rushed to the woman's aid. They found her flailing around in the water, about 65 feet from the pier.

"She was still out in the water lying on her back in a floating position because she told us later that she couldn't swim," Senior Constable Dean Kelly of the state water police told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. "She still had her mobile phone in her hand and initially she apologized and said sorry."

The woman was taken to a hospital for treatment. Police said she is a foreigner, but declined to say from which country.

"With Facebook, or social media in general as far as we're concerned, if you're anywhere near the water just pay attention," Kelly said. "Especially if you can't swim."

Good morning TANFam!

Got drunk at my kuzn's house last night. Her homegirls 
 One had huge breastss the other had cakes like a bakery. King's Cup n Dosequis n Tecate. I won, need to chill with my kuzn again. Also need to get in touch with those girls. No hangover, no problem.

"I want your pictures but not your words, you know they want it but there's no first"

I wanna air out the snitch I alluded to earlier...

But dey be watching :nerd: :nerd:
wuddup >D  
:lol: not you

The Feds you dork.

Unless you are the Feds :nerd: :nerd:

Squirrel. Gif
Rep'd for proper gif usage :lol:

That's kind of the look I just made when I read that post :rofl:

@shoyru if you are really following me into S&T and reporting the hell out of me, then shame on you :smh:
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