the thread about nothing...

That gif made my asss itch to new lengths dude. I hate spiders 
I had to scroll up, I was like "wtf? I posted this?" 

hope this makes up for it 




hate rude people. If I go to NY I'll chit on their front door, just shoot me the address 
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I guess this is about nothing but I had to vent about it....

I had a situation at work today. I had to go out to a patient's home and explain a few things to her. It was something that actually could have been done over the phone, but I guess due to a language barrier and age(which is weird because the patient fully understood English even though it wasn't her first language), I decided to make an appointment to come out and see her to explain what I needed. I come in and her husband, daughter and son are there. I start to speak to the patient (she is to my right) and her daughter pulls out a pen and pad and abruptly asks my name. I tell her. This was my first time meeting her daughter, but I have spoken to the patient a couple of weeks ago in the hospital with her son (who was very rude to me). I continue to explain what I needed but her daughter is listening and being very curt and cutting me off and asking me why I needed this information. Technically I didn't have to answer her because it didn't concern her, but for the sake of professionalism and courtesy I explained it to all that were present at the request of the patient. My questions were basic and I didn't raise my voice, but from the tone of her daughter's voice and her husband's constant questioning of why this is necessary, I felt attacked. Of course I didn't let it show and answered everything thrown at me but some people just lack respect. I'm trying to help this lady and her family and they were being exceptionally rude. The real kicker of it all was when I was leaving, I was telling them have a good day, her daughter said "Ok, so we're done. BYE". She said it loudly-4 times to be exact from the time I stood up from the chair until I got to the door which was less than 10 paces away. I didn't even get a chance to put my coat on all the way. ****** up.....
Question is, why were they mad at you?
They weren't mad, they were rude. The whole experience had a racist overtone to it. I have a question for you, how do you derive anger coming from them from what I just described?
haven't been able to locate my tv remote for 3 days...still can't find the car keys i misplaced 2 yrs ago, just saw the remote for my heater a couple weeks ago now i cant find it and its freezing...

and theehokayneholmebak still!
Nah Ox, no need for all of that. Truth be told, it's not the first time I've gotten that feeling from that particular group of people. I happened to me last year where I was called a name by a patient's relative and it took everything inside me to not swing on him. I wish everyone in this world understands the term cultural competency. It's really sad how ignorant people really are.  That being said, I still refuse to generalize types of people, because in the work I do, I see all types of crazy things cross culturally among people of various socioeconomic status.
so I love to write, but recently have had a lull in any real inspiration.

Yesterday I just sat down and started to write.  It started out with the main character having a PTSD war flashback.  The main character is homeless in the near future in dystopian Pittsburgh.  Beyond that I have a few pages of the first chapter...but no real plot at all.
so I love to write, but recently have had a lull in any real inspiration.

Yesterday I just sat down and started to write.  It started out with the main character having a PTSD war flashback.  The main character is homeless in the near future in dystopian Pittsburgh.  Beyond that I have a few pages of the first chapter...but no real plot at all.

You should make a thread one day with a story or two. I'd prolly read tbh.
so I love to write, but recently have had a lull in any real inspiration.

Yesterday I just sat down and started to write.  It started out with the main character having a PTSD war flashback.  The main character is homeless in the near future in dystopian Pittsburgh.  Beyond that I have a few pages of the first chapter...but no real plot at all.
Keep at it
I'm just curious as to what group it was.

The issue is pretty obvious. Kind of unfortunate you thought We needed it to be spelled out for us |I
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