the thread about nothing...

that moment when you stop hanging out with a person you thought was your best friend 
What happened Yung Marco?
my circle of close friends used to be 3 guys but 1 of them stopped hanging out with us and got a new group of friedns that he hangs out with. we're still cool and occasionally talk during classes but that is about it. it is what it is i guess
I'm so bored right now. There is nothing but garbage on NetFlix and this game is boring.
Nice to see the Bears show up tonight :lol:

As undeserving as the Packers are of making the playoffs, as porous as the Bears D is, it would be an absolute joke if they made it. That being said, I have very little faith that the Packers can go into Chicago next weekend and get an L without #12. Hoping.... praying..... :smh:
[thread="329154"] [/thread]
What happened Yung Marco?
my circle of close friends used to be 3 guys but 1 of them stopped hanging out with us and got a new group of friedns that he hangs out with. we're still cool and occasionally talk during classes but that is about it. it is what it is i guess
High School man. |I

Just say it once more for good luck.
hope you get chlamydia.
Why would you wish such a thing upon me? :frown: :x
Wife's gotta work tomorrow which means I have kid duty all damb day. I love em and all but this time of year its a test. Not like they can run around outside half the day and ride bikes(midwest/snow/cold). Contemplating a little trip to D&B or maybe a mid morning breakfast to break things up a bit. Maybe a matinee movie. Pretty sad that I am already thinking about what I want to eat for breakfast. I am so weak sometimes.
doodz i'm about to complete all the missions in sonic adventure 2 
 but i have to get As on all the levels to get 100% 

bout to cook me up a peanut butterz and nutella samwich 
What happened Yung Marco?
my circle of close friends used to be 3 guys but 1 of them stopped hanging out with us and got a new group of friedns that he hangs out with. we're still cool and occasionally talk during classes but that is about it. it is what it is i guess
Happened to me when I went from 8th grade to High School. My best friend went to a different school. 

Marco, I'll be your new best friend. 
Just say it once more for good luck.
hope you get chlamydia.
Why would you wish such a thing upon me? :frown: :x

because he is heartless |I
No, there's a heart in him. Maybe he's having a bad day? No hard feelings Ox.

Im going to have to teach you sarcasm Rare :lol:
I take things way to serious lmao My cousins always tell me to lighten up when they're telling a joke. :lol:
Happened to me when I went from 8th grade to High School. My best friend went to a different school. 

Marco, I'll be your new best friend. 
 we'll be best friends forever 

kanye bought himself a birthday cake 

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