the thread about nothing...

that dog shake video 
:lol: someone called me a troll in S&T , I'm Not a troll. I speak da truth, real life situations. Maybe it's just my grammar or ongoing sentences . Idk. Maybe cuz I rustled some jimmies, who knows. Lol that was the first time some1 said that, I always keep it a bean. *shrug*
Totally unnecessary,but just grabbed my two youngest sons, twins, matching Richard Sherman and Marshawn Lynch hawks jerseys for xmas. They got so much little crap( trinkets and toys) but not much of anything truly substantial so wanted to make sure they had something "cool" that they would be into right off the bat xmas morning. Xmas is fine and all, but most kids these days have darn near everything they could possibly want- you try to keep it from being that way, but it just has gotten crazy. I seriously think next year I will give them checks to spend on toys for other kids who don't have ^( and let them experience the "giving' part versus receiving.) Funny how as you get older its almost cooler to give than receive...well aside from NT SS- :tongue:
Just spent a good 10mins explaining to my mom the diff between elves and leprechauns
It's easy.

Elves are fake.

Leprechauns are real.

Show her this video for further assistance.

Humans in Iceland are standing up for the rights of elves – and not because Father Christmas works them too hard.

Elf advocates have joined forces with environmentalists to urge the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission and local authorities to abandon a highway project because it might disturb the creatures' habitat.

The activists are particularly concerned about an elf church that sits on the potential site.  

The proposed highway would offer a direct route from the Alftanes peninsula, where President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has a home, to the Reykjavik suburb of Gardabaer.

But the project has been halted until the Supreme Court of Iceland rules on a case brought by a group known as Friends of Lava.

The activists cite a cultural and environmental impact – including the plight of the elves – as a reason for regularly gathering hundreds of people to block workers from bulldozing the area.

However, many of the Friends of Lava are motivated primarily by environmental concerns and see the elf issue as part of a wider concern for the history and culture of a very unique landscape.

Andri Snaer Magnason, an environmentalist, told the Associated Press that his major concern was that the road would cut a lava field in two and destroy animal nesting sites.

“Some feel that the elf thing is a bit annoying,” said Magnason, adding that personally he was not sure they existed.

The Nordic island's “Huldufolk” or “hidden folk” affect construction plans so regularly that the road and coastal administration has come up with a stock media response for elf inquiries.

It reads: “Issues have been settled by delaying the construction project at a certain point while the elves living there have supposedly moved on.” 

Scandinavian and Nordic folklore is rich with mythological creatures. Most people in Norway, Denmark and Sweden have not taken elves seriously since the 19th century, but they remain a serious concern in Iceland.

In a survey conducted by the University of Iceland in 2007, 62 per cent of those asked thought it was at least possible that the critters exist.

Terry Gunnell, a folklore professor at the University of Iceland, said: “This is a land where the wind can knock you off your feet, where the smell of sulfur from your taps tells you there is inHumans in Iceland are standing up for the rights of elves – and not because Father Christmas works them too hard.

Elf advocates have joined forces with environmentalists to urge the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission and local authorities to abandon a highway project because it might disturb the creatures' habitat.

The activists are particularly concerned about an elf church that sits on the potential site.  

The proposed highway would offer a direct route from the Alftanes peninsula, where President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has a home, to the Reykjavik suburb of Gardabaer.

But the project has been halted until the Supreme Court of Iceland rules on a case brought by a group known as Friends of Lava.

The activists cite a cultural and environmental impact – including the plight of the elves – as a reason for regularly gathering hundreds of people to block workers from bulldozing the area.

However, many of the Friends of Lava are motivated primarily by environmental concerns and see the elf issue as part of a wider concern for the history and culture of a very unique landscape.

Andri Snaer Magnason, an environmentalist, told the Associated Press that his major concern was that the road would cut a lava field in two and destroy animal nesting sites.

“Some feel that the elf thing is a bit annoying,” said Magnason, adding that personally he was not sure they existed.

The Nordic island's “Huldufolk” or “hidden folk” affect construction plans so regularly that the road and coastal administration has come up with a stock media response for elf inquiries.

It reads: “Issues have been settled by delaying the construction project at a certain point while the elves living there have supposedly moved on.” 

Scandinavian and Nordic folklore is rich with mythological creatures. Most people in Norway, Denmark and Sweden have not taken elves seriously since the 19th century, but they remain a serious concern in Iceland.

In a survey conducted by the University of Iceland in 2007, 62 per cent of those asked thought it was at least possible that the critters exist.

Terry Gunnell, a folklore professor at the University of Iceland, said: “This is a land where the wind can knock you off your feet, where the smell of sulfur from your taps tells you there is invisible fire not far below your feet.

“EveryoHumans in Iceland are standing up for the rights of elves – and not because Father Christmas works them too hard.

Elf advocates have joined forces with environmentalists to urge the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission and local authorities to abandon a highway project because it might disturb the creatures' habitat.

The activists are particularly concerned about an elf church that sits on the potential site.  

The proposed highway would offer a direct route from the Alftanes peninsula, where President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has a home, to the Reykjavik suburb of Gardabaer.

But the project has been halted until the Supreme Court of Iceland rules on a case brought by a group known as Friends of Lava.

The activists cite a cultural and environmental impact – including the plight of the elves – as a reason for regularly gathering hundreds of people to block workers from bulldozing the area.

However, many of the Friends of Lava are motivated primarily by environmental concerns and see the elf issue as part of a wider concern for the history and culture of a very unique landscape.

Andri Snaer Magnason, an environmentalist, told the Associated Press that his major concern was that the road would cut a lava field in two and destroy animal nesting sites.

“Some feel that the elf thing is a bit annoying,” said Magnason, adding that personally he was not sure they existed.

The Nordic island's “Huldufolk” or “hidden folk” affect construction plans so regularly that the road and coastal administration has come up with a stock media response for elf inquiries.

It reads: “Issues have been settled by delaying the construction project at a certain point while the elves living there have supposedly moved on.” 

Scandinavian and Nordic folklore is rich with mythological creatures. Most people in Norway, Denmark and Sweden have not taken elves seriously since the 19th century, but they remain a serious concern in Iceland.

In a survey conducted by the University of Iceland in 2007, 62 per cent of those asked thought it was at least possible that the critters exist.

Terry Gunnell, a folklore professor at the University of Iceland, said: “This is a land where the wind can knock you off your feet, where the smell of sulfur from your taps tells you there is invisible fire not far below your feet.

“Everyone is aware that the land is alive, and one can say that the stories of hidden people and the need to work carefully with them reflects an understanding that the land demands respect,” he is aware that the land is alive, and one can say that the stories of hidden people and the need to work carefully with them reflects an understanding that the land demands respect,” he explained.visible fire not far below your feet.

“Everyone is aware that the land is alive, and one can say that the stories of hidden people and the need to work carefully with them reflects an understanding that the land demands respect,” he explained.
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:lol: not even about gifts. Just to have someone who enjoys your company. At least work on Wednesday will take my mind off of it.
I just noticed that between me and my four brothers we all buy each other things throughout the year but not the nieces and nephews & when it comes to them we kinda half *** their birthdays and christmas 

Aguanile, Aguanile mai mai

Got me like

Man 10,000 pages and counting!

I got 2 dubs today to even my record out to 2-2 on the season so far.

Got a tournament on Saturday, and I'm determined to get that gold medal. 
Dank!!!My car oil levels fine. But I changed ny oil 3 weeks ago and its now brown. Da fuq is goibg on?

If its not a really darkbrown/blackc theres nothing to worry about. Its normal for oil to change color in a running engine.

Put me on some rare christmas movies. :nerd:


A Christmas story

A nightmare before Christmas

Die Hard :smokin

Christmas Vacation

Jingle All The Way

Home Alone 1 & 2

Not a Christmas movie per se... but Uncle Buck is awesome :smokin :smokin

 I think about how I felt in '01 when I struck out on CG. It wasn't a good feeling at all. I started NTNY later that month and found out I was lied to by an employee on the second floor about the RD once I was hired (I'll never forget that Patrick...) He told me they were coming out on 3/4/01 (Sunday), when they were coming out 3/3/01 (Saturday). There were no sites with RD way in advance and a zillion pics, plus I wasn't privy to the launch list then, so he snuck me. Luckily my boy told me it was Saturday. That was the actual precursor to what we see today. Later that spring XI low red and carolina's released. I got to work at 8am,  line around the building. I had never seen something like that before. Needless to say it was troubling. Can't front though, I have openly enjoyed laughing at people camping out for shoes. The things I've seen over the years man....:smh:

People want to act like all the XIs have been as hot as they are now since day 1 but the Cool Grey XI release in 01 is the first time I ever remember things getting wild and a sneaker release making the news.

Lol people don't know those are Columbias? :lol:

1996, 2001

Those are the white Concords... nvm... theyre the white spacejams.... no... theyre the reverse Gammas..... wait a minute I think theyre the white breds.... hold on that was wrong, theyre the albino oreo leather anniversary concobredjammas limited editions.

:x:x Friggin nicknames :smh:

I dont even like calling the gloves "The Gloves"...Its the Zoom Flight 98 !!!

Man I was on Facebook and saw one of those "salute to veterans" posts. One of my homies was in it. He lost his legs. ***** too real out here

Salute. Much respect to you, him and all of our servicemen and women. Thank you !

anyone want to rep me so i can get to 500 :D
i will love you forever :wow:

How the **** did this have more reps than ReggieKILLER's post ?

The I'm grown guys on nt are the worst

I agree..... sounds so damn ratchet and immature. :x

If you have to proclaim your "grown" you probably don't act like it in the first place.

The Cisco Kid was a good friend of mine....
He drank whiskey, Poncho drank the wine :smokin

morning guys



Back home from school, and I don't have to work this holiday! 

btw I'm posting for the lulz. anybody here know who Brooklyn rapper Uncle Murda is? Here he is, promoting a local pawn shop.


:rofl: :x :smh:

Uncle Buck>>>>Uncle Murda

:lol: Thats awesome :smokin
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