the thread about nothing...

newmy ....


I've got this energy beneath my feet
Like something underground's gonna come up and carry me
I've got this sentimental heart that beats
But I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me now

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just finished a whole tub of americone dream...these guhs better hurry up and grab this chocolatey goodness before bilbo get fat!
sup my cargosweats too big?

:lol: Yaareddy kno ! :nthat:

WHo is that ? I feel like I almost recognize her :nerd:

Bev, Bev, Beverly Hills Cop
Bev, Bev, Beverly Hills Cop
Axel Foley gonna find those druuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs


Morning TANFam

Yesterday was pretty depressing, but today I'll stop by the tattoo shop to chill with my sis n the homie. I got a Lakers beanie from my uncle. Rocked that **** all day. Netflix is awesome. I need beer. :smokin


Kahn :nthat:

Greedy, selfish, always looking for a quick way to get rich..... Kahn is def a NTer.

How would yall spend a $150 gift card to champs? I was thinking either flyknits, two pairs of roshes, or wait till February for the powders or infrareds. Any help?

Da Glovez :nthat: :nthat:

How today feels:


on the real this is clean






simpson x bape :wow:
cant front i like the varsity

The tees and sweatshirts are cool, but the Varsitys look out of place and tacky IMO.

Oh man :lol: :smh:

That's why, I hardly step outside of S&T and General.

I go into Nike just cause I like new shoes / tech.

I couldn't imagine going into JB :x 0]

JB forum is a disaster. Its turned into nothing but sloppy RD info. Any thread about actually discussing a product gets locked or lost in the fodder within a day.

Its sad... the JB forum is where I used to spend most of my time on NT. I remember before it was the "Jordan Brand Forum" and still the "XI Forum"... yeah that forum was originally created for discussion of the XI :lol:

You don't go to the science museum and get handed a pamphlet on electricity.

You go to the science museum and you put your hand on a metal ball, your hair sticks up straight

....and you know science.

Hands on museums are the best. :smokin

how do you pronounce Gyro?






Damn, I feel sorry my man mans....


:rofl: :x :smh: :rofl: :lol:

I will protect you beh235 beh235

TAN game Bolo Yeung ! :nthat:

Trying to not eat late and just go to bed hungry is a pain in the buns.
Eat as much as you please, don't go to bed on an empty stomach.

Everyone knows the later you eat the better it tastes. Science.


Happy Belated Xmas TAN :nthat:
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