the thread about nothing...


beh235 beh235 :rofl:
Hey [@=/u/25503/GrizzlyAnimal]@@@GrizzlyAnimal[/@]

Our friends from Poland ever get in touch with you?
they on that bs.. :smh:  i pm'd you tho

Polish mafia? :lol:

:nerd: I wish beh :lol:

or maybe I dont
:rofl:  If it's what I'm guessing it is, that place is pandemonium right now


inmates are running the asylum
and i know 100% that x-mas isn't about gifts, but damb they did lil man dirty.. they could've bought him some candy or something instead 

Bros, 6 dollar philly cheesesteak burger at Carlos Jr is so good.
beats everything in Philly.
jk pizzo :wow:
pretty good though.
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