the thread about nothing...


The waitress must hate you :lol:
Just had an early New Year's skype chat with my boy in England...... he's trying to talk me into traveling to N Korea with him and a UK travel group.

The UK travel group sounds dope...... going to N Korea sounds horrifying.

On Trip Adviser there's actually a bunch of Americans who have been over in the DPRK, but I want to read more about how 'safe' it is for us to get in and out of NK from China.

I guess I should do some research first. It'd be sick if I could go over there and do some black market, underground aid ****, probably impossible tho.
You should go
Do it for me! I know a lot of people who go, every summer in fact. You'll be safe. Usually there's three types of groups: genuinely interested in the people and culture ngo- related people, chinese tourists, and people who think it's cool and *~different~* to go and get as drunk as they can. China is the only way for a regular person to get into NK, you don't even need a visa.
I'll do it with you 

The people you know who would go to NK every summer, were they from Asia/China? Or American? Being American is what scares me 

And I guess I fall into all the categories you just listed, I'm interested in other people/cultures, I'm Chinese, and I think its cool and different, and I am usually always down to get as drunk as I can.

From what I've read from the US Govt site, you need Visas to get into NK via Beijing.
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Going to NK seems kinda exhilarating. As a writer I need to do something like that. Visit the Middle East or a rainforest or something.

Food of the Gods is a cool book. Props Sleazy for putting me on.

[COLOR=#red]What do you write about, has anything been published?[/COLOR]
I cover the Nets for Bleacher Report, but I'm more into fiction. Haven't published anything but I currently have something early in development and getting it published is a goal for 2014.

When you're ready... Podcast man. I'd love to hear about it. And get your voice to your fans. Would be awesome.
i  wish i could kick it with everybody from tan.. i think i would have a great time :smokin
Lulz would be had literally every minute, who's bringing the bottles? :nerd:

bottles of soda for you mr :nerd:
What kind of soda?

what kind of soda would you like? :nerd:
Sprite, I have a cough too, so I'll bring my medicine to ease the pain. :evil:
I see you pleighboi you gonna make da lean :nerd:

i  wish i could kick it with everybody from tan.. i think i would have a great time :smokin
Lulz would be had literally every minute, who's bringing the bottles? :nerd:

bottles of soda for you mr :nerd:
What kind of soda?

what kind of soda would you like? :nerd:
cherry coke would be nice :wow:
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for the same reason that part of Sac depresses you, it scares me
That part of South Sac is really sketch. I agree with you. I don't care if the there is good food there. Don't think I'd want to be in that area during the evening.
I'll do it with you :nerd:

The people you know who would go to NK every summer, were they from Asia/China? Or American? Being American is what scares me :lol:

And I guess I fall into all the categories you just listed, I'm interested in other people/cultures, I'm Chinese, and I think its cool and different, and I am usually always down to get as drunk as I can.

From what I've read from the US Govt site, you need Visas to get into NK via Beijing.

It depends what travel agency you go with, without an agency like trazy for example, you would need a visa from China. All of the people I know who go are American and they do ngo-related stuff, anything from actual teaching (one of the best universities in NK has a foreigner staff), to teaching some NK kids how to surf. All pretty cool and I wanted to go with them because I'm not up for getting drunk with a bunch of NK If there's one place you would want to be fully's NK. I would go with you and I wanted to go this summer actually and help with the surfing thing but idk how broke I'll be :frown: otherwise I would go for sure
i  wish i could kick it with everybody from tan.. i think i would have a great time :smokin
Lulz would be had literally every minute, who's bringing the bottles? :nerd:

bottles of soda for you mr :nerd:
What kind of soda?

what kind of soda would you like? :nerd:
Sprite, I have a cough too, so I'll bring my medicine to ease the pain. :evil: will not mis-use cough medicine during the
for the same reason that part of Sac depresses you, it scares me
That part of South Sac is really sketch. I agree with you. I don't care if the there is good food there. Don't think I'd want to be in that area during the evening.
I honestly can't remember ever going to South Sac/Stockton blvd at night.

Lets just say, I wouldn't wear my Ugg Boots out in that part of Sac.
I'll do it with you 

The people you know who would go to NK every summer, were they from Asia/China? Or American? Being American is what scares me 

And I guess I fall into all the categories you just listed, I'm interested in other people/cultures, I'm Chinese, and I think its cool and different, and I am usually always down to get as drunk as I can.

From what I've read from the US Govt site, you need Visas to get into NK via Beijing.
It depends what travel agency you go with, without an agency like trazy for example, you would need a visa from China. All of the people I know who go are American and they do ngo-related stuff, anything from actual teaching (one of the best universities in NK has a foreigner staff), to teaching some NK kids how to surf. All pretty cool and I wanted to go with them because I'm not up for getting drunk with a bunch of NK If there's one place you would want to be fully's NK. I would go with you and I wanted to go this summer actually and help with the surfing thing but idk how broke I'll be
otherwise I would go for sure
We are looking at Koryo, you need a Visa for sure. And if you plan on chilling in China for a few days you need another Visa for that. So lots of Visas.

Why wouldn't you want to drunk??!?!?! It would definitely take the edge off, hell, just reading for the last hour about this has me scared. 

The tours for 5-7 nights are all around 1300-1900 euro 
 but at least its all inclusive.
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The good the bad the ugly all of yall still must love me

I am a hatin *** ***** but can confirm: ♥

still no plans for tomorrow.

I seriously don't want to stay in tomorrow...


[COLOR=#red]Game Night and drank at my house. And Podcast. slide through.[/COLOR]
where you live at b?
I honestly can't remember ever going to South Sac/Stockton blvd at night.

Lets just say, I wouldn't wear my Ugg Boots out in that part of Sac.

We are looking at Koryo, you need a Visa for sure. And if you plan on chilling in China for a few days you need another Visa for that. So lots of Visas.

Why wouldn't you want to drunk??!?!?! It would definitely take the edge off, hell, just reading for the last hour about this has me scared. 

The tours for 5-7 nights are all around 1300-1900 euro :x  but at least its all inclusive.

I haven't heard of them before and yeah you need one to actually stay in China. I think the other ones are from SK, then a quick stop in China to NK so no visa needed. And I don't get drunk anyways so no thanks. And you soft b :lol: NK don't want you.

Yeaaaah, that's 1/4 of my income :lol: I'd rather chill in SK for a week or two with my bae
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