the thread about nothing...

If you are...mind sharing your job profession
i work for @beh235  
^ that pic reminds me of how  my mama used to grab me in the store, and whisper through her teeth "you better fix your face"  or " you better not ask for shiii*
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[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]

^ that pic reminds me of how my mama used to grab me in the store, and whisper through her teeth "you better fix your face"  or " you better not ask for shiii*
[/quote] They try to be slick with it to seem like they're not bad parents if you ask them for stuff in front of people and they have to say no. lol
No I get what you mean, i'm that way. The best ones are the ones that catch you in that moment though, off guard, with the same philosophy towards relationships but ya'll just click.
Ehhh, I think that's a really overly-romantic way to think about it. Life isn't a romcom where all of a sudden I don't want to get married and some dude comes around and changes that. My thoughts and feelings aren't easily swayed by people.

Just had an early New Year's skype chat with my boy in England...... he's trying to talk me into traveling to N Korea with him and a UK travel group.

The UK travel group sounds dope...... going to N Korea sounds horrifying.

On Trip Adviser there's actually a bunch of Americans who have been over in the DPRK, but I want to read more about how 'safe' it is for us to get in and out of NK from China.

I guess I should do some research first. It'd be sick if I could go over there and do some black market, underground aid ****, probably impossible tho.

You should go :D Do it for me! I know a lot of people who go, every summer in fact. You'll be safe. Usually there's three types of groups: genuinely interested in the people and culture ngo- related people, chinese tourists, and people who think it's cool and *~different~* to go and get as drunk as they can. China is the only way for a regular person to get into NK, you don't even need a visa.
No I get what you mean, i'm that way. The best ones are the ones that catch you in that moment though, off guard, with the same philosophy towards relationships but ya'll just click.
Ehhh, I think that's a really overly-romantic way to think about it. Life isn't a romcom where all of a sudden I don't want to get married and some dude comes around and changes that. My thoughts and feelings aren't easily swayed by people.

Just had an early New Year's skype chat with my boy in England...... he's trying to talk me into traveling to N Korea with him and a UK travel group.

The UK travel group sounds dope...... going to N Korea sounds horrifying.

On Trip Adviser there's actually a bunch of Americans who have been over in the DPRK, but I want to read more about how 'safe' it is for us to get in and out of NK from China.

I guess I should do some research first. It'd be sick if I could go over there and do some black market, underground aid ****, probably impossible tho.

You should go :D Do it for me! I know a lot of people who go, every summer in fact. You'll be safe. Usually there's three types of groups: genuinely interested in the people and culture ngo- related people, chinese tourists, and people who think it's cool and *~different~* to go and get as drunk as they can. China is the only way for a regular person to get into NK, you don't even need a visa.
^ Are you asian?
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No I get what you mean, i'm that way. The best ones are the ones that catch you in that moment though, off guard, with the same philosophy towards relationships but ya'll just click.
Ehhh, I think that's a really overly-romantic way to think about it. Life isn't a romcom where all of a sudden I don't want to get married and some dude comes around and changes that. My thoughts and feelings aren't easily swayed by people.

Just had an early New Year's skype chat with my boy in England...... he's trying to talk me into traveling to N Korea with him and a UK travel group.

The UK travel group sounds dope...... going to N Korea sounds horrifying.

On Trip Adviser there's actually a bunch of Americans who have been over in the DPRK, but I want to read more about how 'safe' it is for us to get in and out of NK from China.

I guess I should do some research first. It'd be sick if I could go over there and do some black market, underground aid ****, probably impossible tho.

You should go :D Do it for me! I know a lot of people who go, every summer in fact. You'll be safe. Usually there's three types of groups: genuinely interested in the people and culture ngo- related people, chinese tourists, and people who think it's cool and *~different~* to go and get as drunk as they can. China is the only way for a regular person to get into NK, you don't even need a visa.
^ Are you asian?

no...shes black
Crack and I have a lot in common
We both come up in the 80's and we keep that bass pumping
That's a nega-tive comparison, embarrassing
Unfortunate that if you come up fortunate the streets consider you lame
Ha, I thought the name of the game was to have a better life. I guess it ain't. What a shame
I don't slang. Never slung but I'm one with the slum that has a name well fitting
Plenty cheese getting. No wonder why they call it the trap
So watch your tail and I'm not kidding
The rats and mice will give advice, they say, "you can paint and draw
Get out of here. Go show them that we're more than slanging raw".
ill give you the smiley reply 
  they all hate the way people respond in here with just a smiley
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