the thread about nothing...

Frank Ocean - White

Waiting for mah Chipotle ....
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I hate it when you are on a train or bus and a young person or someone capable of standing is sitting on a seat by the doors. Then an older person who probably needs a seat, and are looking around, and those people don't even bother standing up to give up their seat.

I got into my first and only fight because of this type of situation, people are so inconsiderate. 
If you're sitting down too, I don't see how you have room to talk. If you feel so strongly you should be too busy offering your own seat to notice anyone else not.
None of us had to get up he just had to scoot over and close his legs, when I ask him to scoot over for the old man he said "mind your business B" and it went from there.
I have gotten up before, I get up for people who have groceries bags. 

Standing for 10 min wont kill you.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

This chick is trying to get me to go to church. Just met her...shes coo im kinda intrigue about her so im thinking about going.

She gotta be bad

I'm maaad late but this Stalley dude is nice
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Wankaego makes me so hungry

she could sing this wack +#%@ to me for the rest of my life if i could touch it one good time
i was in love with this woman until i heard that voice�

i would still hold her hand in public tho�
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Ice coffee gives me stomach aches but I still drink it a few times a week.

I want to hit up my job for a raise but we're in a "transition" period so the timing may be off

We're moving from DTLA (
) to Arcadia (
) in the summer.

That means no more happy hour
watchu movin to Arcadia for?  you chinese or taiwanese and have a high net worth?

what you give up in happy hour bar choices you gain in DIN TAI FUNG.  I happened to be out in that part of town last week (my in laws live in Arcadia) and so I was looking forward to some soup dumplings.  Get to the restaurant and there is a 2 hour wait at friggin 230pm on a Sunday.  If I had the time in my schedule, I woulda waited it out but alas... I had to seek out a different option.  sucks.

Lincoln Way Nights (Intelligent Trunk Music) still gets spins from me. Will be in my summer rotation for music in the whip
My friend's sister wants the D but after I hit her up, I saw that she wants to see how many hoops I'll jump through to smash.

I'm interested in how she's going to respond to me leaving her hanging.

Spoiler [+]
Turns out the girl in bio class who gets way better grades than me smokes an 8th every day
I am doin it wrong
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by tootthatthang
Congrats and reaching a goal man

Starting a line has been on my mind for some time myself
Finding the cash to start it is a !+$$@ off..especially solo
Thank you, it's def an amazing experience chasing after something you believe in. The funding is always going to be an issue but you
have to start somewhere, right? We have bigger goals for the brand we just have to start with the foundation and keep building. Pls
continue checking us out and good luck with your line if you do decide to start it
Haven't had any soda in a month now. Prior to that I was going to the gym consistently and while gaining muscle didn't lose anything.
The combination of the two: in the last month I've lost 8 pounds. So far so good.

I'm thinking about relocating once I graduate. I love Cincinnati and the surrounding areas but I'm wondering if there is more for me elsewhere?
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that

not bad but the designs arent too great to me. good luck on your endeavors 

I appreciate the feedback and thanks for the encouragement, we will continue to improve our designs and strive to appeal to a larger crowd. Thanks
for checking it out
Originally Posted by blasdiaz

Originally Posted by tootthatthang

congrats. nice hoodie.
personally , i dont like websites with audio tracks playing automatically like that.

good thing the music player on yoursite was easy to spot.
Thank you, it feels great knowing you found something appealing on the site
. I appreciate it!
I want to 'in rant about this annoying chick on youtube who keeps showing up on the front page with senseless crap she keeps posting. She has a reply to every damn video and talks about nothing.
Posting a video as a sample, but will take down later so that she doesn't get views. I hope liu kang gives her a flying jump kick to the face.

 vid removed
Anyone else likes going to the movies alone? Company is cool sometimes but I focus on it more, laugh more and all that.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

@ Mangudai, go for it!! You have nothing to lose man, shows effort and maturity on your end as well. Win/Win

How is it mature? If he doesn't want to go and he doesn't go you are thus calling it immature. I can't agree at all. His choice.
If you go now, she will expect you to go again. Don't even open that box if you don't really want to go.

What is your denomination/religion?
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