the thread about nothing...

I dropped 22 points in my last rec bball game

and Michelle Rodriguez is super hot to me... kinda why I @!+# with that girl from the mall so much. Six months and I can't find the balls to ask for her number... she clearly wants me to ask i just can't do it smh

I hate/love my ex... 60/40 hate

Drive - Incubus is a good song... so is Eternal Sunshine - Jay Electronica. I really like College Dropout the album. Charles Hamilton used to be the man too forreal.

“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by bogusreality

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

this you? post more..

My girl sent me a text this morning calling me a two timer and a cheat, saying her friend seen me with another girl. I can think of only a few occasions of being caught in public with a female, and I have only cheated on her while on vacation...... I didn't even respond. 
Worked a convention all last week and met this girl. Creeped on FB and found out she's 28 (I'm 20 btw)
with a bf (hes a lame).

She just shot me a message too. Hopefully my dream of finding a sugar mama comes true
my girls friends piss me off, 30+ yrs old and act like 18 year olds.

thank god my girl has a good head on her shoulders and doesnt act her age.
Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Worked a convention all last week and met this girl. Creeped on FB and found out she's 28 (I'm 20 btw)
with a bf (hes a lame).

She just shot me a message too. Hopefully my dream of finding a sugar mama comes true

Shes sees you as a little brother. Stop it. Any 28 year old that dates down like that either got some problems or is trying to get kept by that 20 year old who has money. I only know of one dude that was able to pull that off and it was one of best guy friend who was a former drug dealer with the gift of gab who had multiple women.
Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that

congrats. nice hoodie.
personally , i dont like websites with audio tracks playing automatically like that.

good thing the music player on yoursite was easy to spot.
Ive been out of the dating scene for a minute been trying to get life right and eat good

but there's this girl who is in a few of my classes (same major) and we had our afternoon class cancelled. she came up to chat with me during the class we had before and told me that she hoped I had a good day and we talked for a bit. I know she has a bf but it sort of threw me off. I know shes probably just being nice tho....
Originally Posted by bwrestler15

I know my last post was about this but this is the one place that none of my friends will look for me venting/ragging on them. I seriously hate one of the guys who chills with us in my dorm. The rest of the guys are all pretty chill but this guy just drives me insane. He is clingy as @##% with girls, constantly upset because he thinks he loves the girl he just walked past and she won't text him back within 2 minutes. We give him advice and he disregards it completely. Then when %$@+ doesn't workout he just ##@$%@% about it. On top of that, he is "that guy"; he will always and I mean always one up your stories.
I seriously can't stand him and I have told him that stuff he does annoys the whole group when it was just me and him in a nice way to try and help but he just didn't think I meant any of it. I don't think I can take anymore of him.
next time you get drunk.  tell him hes an annoying little prick (and not in a nice way).  if all the rest of the guys turn on you (highly unlikely if this guy is as annoying as you say he is), apologize profusely and blame it on the truth serum/booze.

I hate it when you are on a train or bus and a young person or someone capable of standing is sitting on a seat by the doors. Then an older person who probably needs a seat, and are looking around, and those people don't even bother standing up to give up their seat.
I was super
last night and I posted two stories in this thread, then I clicked "post" and I got a %*$%#*% white screen and it didn't post.

I'll try to re-create the magic later.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I hate it when you are on a train or bus and a young person or someone capable of standing is sitting on a seat by the doors. Then an older person who probably needs a seat, and are looking around, and those people don't even bother standing up to give up their seat.

I got into my first and only fight because of this type of situation, people are so inconsiderate. 
^I tried giving that album a chance but I couldn't get into it, which really had me disappointed because everyone talks about how good it is.
Played ball last night and sprained my foot. I was in the air tryna grab rebound and when i landed, i landed the wrong way when dude in front of me kinda pushed me. Now i gotta miss 2 days of work/classes, cant even freakin walk

I swear this ALWAYS happens to me whenever i play basketball. Either im jumping the wrong way or i need to workout on my legs more.

This feeling sucks bros
When you get a number at a bar or club and you know you were a little "tipsy". You don't remember how exactly how she looks like, but you know you wouldn't talk to someone that's not worth your time.

Would it be weird to ask for a FaceBook? Just for some reassurance.

Is that acceptable in this day and age?
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