the thread about nothing...

:lol: :lol: cmon g , good luck on the job, always happy to see my ninjas making it :smokin
Good looking fam... If i can land it part time on weekends, to go with the gig I got now?

Oh yeah we gettin to the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....not really but that discount appreciated + swoosh hahaha
my man thas still da jumpoff :pimp: air maxs all day you gon be

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Gona take a last minute trip this weekend...I need to get out n get my mind right.
Any suggestions on where to go dolo?
Really hate my Arab neighbors. Not racist at all but he is a total d!ck. Tried to be a good neighbor and let him know someone broke into my girls car and to make sure his doors were locked. Mid sentence he just looked away and acted like I wasnt talking to him at all. I proceded to cuss him out. F him. :smh:
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