the thread about nothing...

Ive come to the conclusion that starting August 1st im gonna take a year and just focus on myself (mind and body wise) Since December ive lost 70 Lbs, by next august i get to at least 220Lb and be lean, not overally muscular, but have some definition. Mind wise i want to take some college courses that will help me on my track of the career i want ( Cop ) . After having a discussion with a friend i came to the realization that give too much of myself sometimes (work + relationships) and i need to find a balance. Im not going chase girls, im not going to party hard, just going to sit back and do what i need to do.

some of you may remember, some not, but i started today, hopefully it all goes according to plan....

yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
The Nanny is that show :smokin I used to turn every time it came on. I should have been gave it a chance.
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Good ish MMG...repped :pimp:

Thank you sir, repped for reppin

**** cops

untill you need one >D

mmg wants to be a cop huh >D
s/o to you losing that weight though

irony, i know :lol:

yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...

Thank you sir, appreciate it, i would like to send something to you as well, for your lil one (congrats once again)
Its always "**** the police"... Until you need their help
The Nanny is that show 
 I used to turn every time it came on. I should have been gave it a chance.
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Have fun harassing darkies future **** pig

your still upset about that? im glad i was able to have such a positive impact on your life :lol: :lol:


and everyone will get harassed equally :pimp:

moving along.....
How does one become a cop, I always wondered that. Do you have to go to school for it, or is it like applying to be a fireman?
I went to visit my ex today (who I haven't seen in 2 years). And as soon as I get to her apartment, she tells me that her and her boyfriend had just broken up, because he cheated on her. So at this point I'm thinking is it a coincidence that she wants to see me the first time in 2 years, a day after her and hero boyfriend breaks up? But I don't bring it up. So we're sitting on the couch and she's flirting with me, eventually we start kissing. While I'm kissing her, her ex starts to text her and asks her questions about where she's at and what not. I don't know much about her boyfriend, but apparently he's a Cop, a member of the Army, and a little crazy. So I'm thinking, wow this may not end well. All I could imagine was her ex boyfriend showing up and and me having to either; fight this dude, who's a cop and twice my size, or risk hoping off her balcony on the 3rd floor. The whole time she's texting him, she's telling how sometimes he randomly shows up at her apartment and visits her. She told me that she doubted he would show up today but I really wasn't trying to risk it. So I bounced
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How does one become a cop, I always wondered that. Do you have to go to school for it, or is it like applying to be a fireman?

same extent as fireman.

take civil service exam and depending on score , etc.....

they also take into account college / school , along with previous history ( military / Corrections / etc... )

then comes down to your area and of course connections.
yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?

I am trying to see if my publisher will allow me to have a code for a free pdf/kindle/nook download for the NT fam, but if not I would be happy to send you one for free man... not doing it to make money as my main focus is to help people
random question...

would you rather have the medical knowledge of Dr Oz, or the musical knowledge of Dr Dre?

ten years ago I would have said Dre, but I think I am leaning towards Oz now... both are smart business men too, so it really comes down to health vs music for me
How does one become a cop, I always wondered that. Do you have to go to school for it, or is it like applying to be a fireman?

take some classes at your local CC, and for ff, trying to find one that gives you a FF 1 certificate

yes, you can start applying at 18, but since its so tough to get in, you most likely wont if you dont want a back round of some sort
yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?

i would also be interested in this book
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