the thread about nothing...

I found got to be a great show.
I wouldn't say I'm hooked to the show, but there's so much that goes on.
Therefore, I'm mainly bored when the show showcases characters I don't care about, which isn't too unbearable.
I'd reccomend watching the first 3 eps. to test the waters.

I'm not a lotr fan or fantasy fan, but I still enjoy got.

I tried, but I guess I didn't try hard enough becausei didn't make it through the first episode. Only thing I remember is someone getting pushed or jumping out of a window.
Last night at the club.

I was crying
how does d'usse taste?
I want to get some henney and d'usse for my 21st and sing drunk in love on the street

I had a small glass on the rocks recently, it was pretty okay. Not a drinker. Get some Grand Marnier and something XO and you'll have a good night. Well the portions you remember.
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