the thread about nothing...

For the last few days, I've been using gif faces while looking at women while I've been out. I've used the sort of want face more than I care to admit. I've also used the Jack Nicholson yes head shaking gif. I regret nothing.

In other news, the Black delegation would like to prose a trade. We want to trade @newmoanyuh
 to the Asian delegation for Jenna Ushkowitz. That'll be all.

that's a garbage *** trade :stoneface:
For the last few days, I've been using gif faces while looking at women while I've been out. I've used the sort of want face more than I care to admit. I've also used the Jack Nicholson yes head shaking gif. I regret nothing.

In other news, the Black delegation would like to prose a trade. We want to trade @newmoanyuh
 to the Asian delegation for Jenna Ushkowitz. That'll be all.
that's a garbage *** trade
I'm sorry to have upset you with that trade@newmoanyuh, the sole authority on everything Korean 
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What kinda man doesnt have hair on every inch of his body?

The good looking kind.

So last night me and my friends had like a 15 min debate on who have more street cred if you were to choose between Drake or Chris Breezy.

:lol: This is almost worth a thread

..... CB

Threw my air maxes at it, missed with the 1st one and hit it with the 2nd. Threw a box of wet wipes at it. still not entirely sure if it's dead. :nerd:

NVM it's still moving, these shtis are some troopers. :smh: If only the can of Raid won't so far.

Throw some air raids at :stoneface:


Just noticed that the Buy/Sell Forum on Niketalk ain't like how it use to be smh.

Buy/Sell fell off sooooooo badly since the switch.

It doesn't make sense... the new format is much more user friendly, but alot less people are using it.

[@="youngcurse" url="/t/329154/the-thread-about-nothing/240660#post_20323257"]
OP have you seen Final Destination :lol:

But I'm glad to hear that you escaped that move.
only the first one.
thanks, seems like this side of the city has been going through some bad luck :nerd:

Whole foods uses these boxes for their pizza.

I'm careful what I post now cause IG owns whatever we post. Smh

Really ?

never knew that smh but it makes sense

Coworker was educating me on some ****. Let's say you go on vacation, take a dope pic and post it. IG can sell it to whoever they want. Next thing you know you're in a Coca Cola commercial with no credit lol


I'll cop that off of you if it's a size small :nerd:
2xl :lol:


My lazy self got a D in calculus :stoneface: :smh:

Time to work hard and get at least a b to bring that average up.


Damn, I'm an inch short to be a flight attendant :smh:

genetics :smh:

They have height requirements for flight attendants ?

I'm in college
I thought you, marco, and water all went to the same school.

you have to be a certain height to be a flight attendant?

das discrimination b

There's a height requirement ?

The more you know.

You have to be 5'4" minimum for Korean Air

Damn... That sucks. Is it a safety issue or something ?

You know....

You should get some lifts...
I Just realized.. you dont watch Seinfeld.... and probably don't get the reference....

Oh well, your loss.

i know a girl who's a flight attendant and she's probably not even 5 feet :nerd:

She probably wears lifts.
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is your cousin jazzy jeff? 

I seen that jazzy jeff year was better than yours thread and the video was pretty similar to what you described

is your cousin jazzy jeff? 

I seen that jazzy jeff year was better than yours thread and the video was pretty similar to what you described
my cousin is not Jazzy Jeff 
. If my cousin was Jazz, I'd have cooler stories. I do have a cousin that lives in Pennsylvania though. He's a state trooper and is cool with Darryl Dawkins who just happens to have absolute bear claws for hands. 
is your cousin jazzy jeff? :nerd:

I seen that jazzy jeff year was better than yours thread and the video was pretty similar to what you described
my cousin is not Jazzy Jeff :lol: . If my cousin was Jazz, I'd have cooler stories. I do have a cousin that lives in Pennsylvania though. He's a state trooper and is cool with Darryl Dawkins who just happens to have absolute bear claws for hands. 

I figured :lol: you never know who nters know/are related to though. Does darryl tell stories of breaking backboards often? :nerd:
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