the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by Sneekaz

Originally Posted by AstroBlac

I can't believe people believe in that astrology crap. "oh he's a true aries". "we can't get along because he's a Leo". What a bunch of crap. Its 2012 how can you believe in that stuff anymore?

astrology is some pretty cool stuff. accurate some times, helps me understand some people sometimes. some stuff truly explain how a person can behave and what type of people they enjoy and dislike. this is why not everyone can get along together. imo chinese astrology is even more accurate. them dudes knowledge is like no other


Mind Blown. AstroBlac Don't believe in ASTROlogy 

But for real.. Accurate sometimes? So say a bunch of random mumbo jumbo that could apply to anyone, and sometimes its right for one person? lulz

The whole "science" behind astrology is COMPLETELY wrong.. educate yourselves 

lol @ "Astrology" 
the Universe don't give a %%+* about you. We are all insignificant. 

im at work and im bored but thats ok because its sunny outside and one of my biggest pet peeves is when people complain about the rain when we live in seattle so shutup please im also on a juice fast right now because i saw a documentary and then researched it and it seems legitimate so im trying im on day 2 right now and i keep thinking of all the wonderful junk i could be eating when i get off work but ill probably just stand strong and see this thing through so since i cant drink alcohol or eat delicious foods i will probably just finish up season 3 and 4 of mad men this weekend so that i can watch the premiere tomorrow and be all caught up a i hope you all grimaced while reading my runon sentence/paragraph but hope you all enjoy the rest of your day that is all
My bestfriend is always talking about that astrology asking what that person sign is blah blah I feel like choking her, but I cant jugde, I believe in a savior from a virgin.

I wonder who takes those pics for the internet couples, who stands there and takes pics of them making out, very weird.
The universal black man head nod/wassup when you see another brother in a "color-less" environment is always a great feeling.

In the words of my man: "Seeing a phat *** is the best thing in the world. But seeing another dude look at that phat *** and then yall non-verbally acknowledging it is an even sweeter feeling."
Originally Posted by Kayway8

I'm the greatest spades player in the world

i think this title belongs to me.... no offense....

we would probably be great as partners and take over the spades world

are u a man? if so, call up chicks and set it up (spades swindle ftw)

or are you a woman? call one of you're homegirls and we can set up a game with me and my mans..... (spades swindle ftw)

spades swindle is the greatest set up ever... unless chicks cant play spades then there's this game called "pass out"

I been rockin with my Evo with a smashed screen for like almost 3 months now, getting sick of it, im eligible for an upgrade but I'm not tryna extend my contract another 2 years, its over

I hate sprint btw...

dude who murdered my cousin last April is now a free man... pleaded self defense, won the case.... I cant even be mad even though i want to be... i been practicing forgiveness and accepting that everything happens for a reason.

Trying to remove hate from my heart.

been out of work for a few months now and surprisingly, im still getting by. its insane the amount of ideas i have come up with in the last month to create income for myself... i honestly would be fine not going back to work but I have WAYYYY too much free time on my hands now, I get lost in my mind when im not being productive
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ROBPZEE612

Yamcha is lame.

Yamcha is super lame, Yamcha being anyone's favorite character is like the laser XVs being someone's favorite Jordan...
all those characters and YAMCHA is your favorite? really? REALLY? 
advance upon me
Originally Posted by bdubnyckid

No words...750lbs? 

Real tears when the dude was like "yea when we got to the doctor, the doctor looked her in the eye and said why are you here" 

40 to 50,000 calories? 
 bout dat lyfe 

Is this some type of joke?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The universal black man head nod/wassup when you see another brother in a "color-less" environment is always a great feeling.

In the words of my man: "Seeing a phat *** is the best thing in the world. But seeing another dude look at that phat *** and then yall non-verbally acknowledging it is an even sweeter feeling."


Why do dudes always need validation 
So I know this girl I met at a club last week is interested in me. I didn't get her number because I had to leave early.
But just the other day, she adds me on Facebook.
I think she's cute but I kinda just want to have some fun and see where it goes from there. How should I holla?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The universal black man head nod/wassup when you see another brother in a "color-less" environment is always a great feeling.

In the words of my man: "Seeing a phat *** is the best thing in the world. But seeing another dude look at that phat *** and then yall non-verbally acknowledging it is an even sweeter feeling."


Why do dudes always need validation 

Huh? Who said anything was NEEDED? It was simply said, seeing something that more than 1 person enjoys is a good thing than just enjoying it alone. Why does that deserve an alien face?
/\ b/c its weird to think its cooler to see a phat %%% b/c someone else also see it?

jus guessing
What is hard to understand? Isn't a movie more enjoyable if more than 1 person can enjoy it? What about a tv show or a fireworks show? Yes, something can be even sweeter if someone else sees it as well. Yall are thinking too much about this.
Seen a chick with a fatty on the subway posted on the pole EXACTLY like this
that non verbal communication was in effect for me and 2 other dudes on the train
Originally Posted by bdubnyckid

lol @ "Astrology" 
the Universe don't give a %%+* about you. We are all insignificant. 


low key depessing 

im never taking another saturday class again. 

NOBODY whats to see me in Spades, feelings would get hurt.
I feel like seeing a phat +$! can be funny when people from both sexes acknowledge the +$! is phat and make eye contact over it. I've done that before. Seen a donk that was OD and gave a second look like +@$ is this and look over and see dudes (all races) biting there lip and make eye contact with them all and we both know what they are looking at and then what I was looking at.
I'm not attracted to women so I know my look is gonna be different from a straight male
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by AstroBlac

I can't believe people believe in that astrology crap. "oh he's a true aries". "we can't get along because he's a Leo". What a bunch of crap. Its 2012 how can you believe in that stuff anymore?

So that's why she left you huh? I get the high sodium level but remember its not your fault that you were born when you were born.
He's right, though. I've seen chicks choose the guy they wanna date based on their sign. Its actually kinda interesting when you think about it. Doesn't make it any less stupid though.
Yea there was this phat plump nice firm butt that was on the train in some Yoga pants yesterday morning and like 3 older black women caught me. I wanted to hit them with a no disrespect. But I couldn't help it man. I think I even made a "stank face" and said damn. Think of D.Wade water bottle gif.

It is also funny to see how long it takes a dude to look back at a butt after they cross paths. Sometimes I don't give a damn but other times I am more cautious with my look back frequency because I don't want to offend older women.

I love walking behind a phat butt when you are with another woman because you have no choice but to look and it isn't as obvious since it is already in front of you. But when it isn't in front of you and you have to turn to look it is always funny to see the person you are with to fake like they are saying something to you but instead they are really checking to see if you are looking.
@ DC. This is why I love people watching. Dudes try and be so quick with it but when you catch em and they acknowledge you catching em they give the bashful face.
Now when it comes to *******, I make a point to make sure the woman knows I am looking at them. Don't know why but it is fun. Especially if it is a big girl with them just hanging out spilled all over the place, I want her to know that I know she wants me to look at them. Little fun game I play with myself (No Mano)
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

I just invented something new...

So i'm eating a sausage biscuit and a hashbrown from McDonalds for dinner, so I decided to place the hashbrown between the sausage biscuit. I'm God.

Get a McDouble & a McChickenTake the top bun off the McDouble & the bottom off the McChickenPlace the two together & you now have whats known as a...MAAACKDADDDAAYY!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by raichu098

Originally Posted by Young Handsome

I just invented something new...

So i'm eating a sausage biscuit and a hashbrown from McDonalds for dinner, so I decided to place the hashbrown between the sausage biscuit. I'm God.

Get a McDouble & a McChickenTake the top bun off the McDouble & the bottom off the McChickenPlace the two together & you now have whats known as a...MAAACKDADDDAAYY!!!!!!!
Or a McGangbang
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