the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by 00david00

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I always wondered . If someone snatches your chain as your walking or any property belonging to you while your out in public, and you have your gun and shoot him and kill him as he's running away with him. Is it murder ?(like will you face legal repercussions)

I think in cali if u shoot someone in the back during a situation like this u basically can't use any excuse since the person was going away from you (no longer a threat i guess?)
someone correct me if im wrong though 
in cali if someone is out side of ur house and u cant shoot them in the back but im pretty sure if they are in ur house u can shootem wherever
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TheGoogler

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

some of their stuff I'm not really into because it has a completely different vibe but these are some personal faves. I'm on this and Beach House's discography all night tonight
too much stress lately.

Can't forget this song
I've played You are the Ocean far too many times this weekend

Pabs, make sure you DL "Eyelid Movies" and "Nightlife" if you haven't. Phantogram's music is too good for them to be so unknown.

Cant wait for their show out here in a few weeks
Ran into my ex today...Couldn't leave quick enough. Not trying to go down that route. She still had my number though and my homeboys who I was with...Texted us and ended up coming to the bar we were at. Turned out to be OK, but homegirl is thirsty and still wants it. Sucks for her.

Weird thing is that she looks like a cross between Sandra Bullock and Mila Kunis and just got done watching Ted thinking how she reminded me of her...Weirdness.
it's weird. i get so much crap with the girl i'm with & until i do something like marry her or I start living with her, it doesn't mean so much. I swear I wanna kill everyone in sight for that view, I know it's my life but damb.... hearing it from my mombs made it worst
Got some good tunes playing before I start work. Power outages in the area made my day suck in d.c. yesterday. Dunkexchange sucked. Hopefully sneakercon will be better. Felt getting good getting out of the house though. Gotta explore d.c. more. Im leaving a lot of dudes alone. People been flaking on me lately,f' it. Gotta do me. Got into a fight with a co worker because he didn't know how to use western union.
Just found this. Surprised I'd never heard about it before now. Actually, really upset I've never heard it before. Amazing cover.
Tweets and status updates about religion and how blessed you are are just as obnoxious as those about drugs, drunkeness, and sex. Really no difference. Both mad annoying.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Just found this. Surprised I'd never heard about it before now. Actually, really upset I've never heard it before. Amazing cover.
I wanna keep my S3 but gonna hold out for the iPhone 5. I feel I'm making a mistake though. I don't think it's gonna be better.
Random ppl have been crossing my mind lately and I end up seeing them the next day. *%# is cray.
Feeling like I jumped into my current relationship too fast. Everything she does is beginning to get on my nerves.

You live and you learn.
The hilariocity
Spoiler [+]

The 10 Best Balotelli Memes – Mario Balotelli caused quite the stir as he ripped off his shirt after scoring the winning goal against Germany. The internet has taken his now famous pose and had some photoshop fun with it…

Template:  make your own!









i don't care if i have to watch Tinker Tailor Solider Spy 10 more times, ima understand this %#
Originally Posted by kickstart

Tweets and status updates about religion and how blessed you are are just as obnoxious as those about drugs, drunkeness, and sex. Really no difference. Both mad annoying.

Half my friends do this and I'm tempted to say something, same people will be out at the club mad thirsty
then wanna tweet religious verses and what not....I'm somewhat religious too but damn! Keep that stuff to yourself I don't need you preaching on my timeline all day
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TheGoogler

Can't forget this song
I've played You are the Ocean far too many times this weekend

Pabs, make sure you DL "Eyelid Movies" and "Nightlife" if you haven't. Phantogram's music is too good for them to be so unknown.

Cant wait for their show out here in a few weeks
Got both last yesterday
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