the thread about nothing...

That trackball mouse is money if you get the right one, I have a couple of different ones and if it fits your hand well you can cruise with ease.
yeah there are only so many offerings at the chain stores to try out though (fry's, bestbuy, microcenter)

I've also thought about vertical mice recently too. Just tired (and fatigued) from using notebook mice that fit in half my palm

That's what regular mouse looks like these days?..Damn.
haha i meant "traditional" mouse. the shape itself of that particular one is simply more ergonomic.



Random fact: The world is running out of cork and a lot of wine/champagne companies are using synthetic corks for their bottles. Enjoy it while it last.....

Champagne from......Champagne, France.
trackball mouse (or any others, open to suggestions)

or regular mouse (performance mx)

can't decide
i have both. one trackball and one regular.

the trackball is great when ur in a tight space.

i like to switch off now and then

I'm patiently waiting for my psych grade. The anticipation is killing me and I have 2 finals to study for.

Fellas meet the AndroExtender: Penis Extender....I bought it when I was on deployment off of Amazon to see it if could get me up to 10 inches. Apparently you have to wear that thing for like 9 hours a day for it to work....and thats just not reasonable.

Long story short, Im moving tommorow, should I leave it here for the next guy to find (i think that would be hilarious), should I leave it in some random place, or should I take it with me and try again?

I have a feeling this will negatively affect my rep smh :smh:

It needs to be noted that YES I am ashamed of myself and NO I'm not proud of this...but in retrospect its ridiculously funny. It should also be noted that I dont take myself that serious, so advanceth upon a broeth


:lol: :lol:

wrap that up and leave it for the next man. leave a note bout how its been passed from BDP to BDP and that it changed your life or something.

make it the next box about nothing :D
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