the thread about nothing...

Throwback gif

Bro, I want my wedding lit like this

Damn you may not get much for those joints then. Theres some cats out there that want the tech specs of the shoe to still be intact no matter how clean they are. So ill say probably 40 or below

I just want an idea of what to expect. I would have to clean them and trying to figure out if its even worth the effort before even doing so. The zoom air is probably donezo, they're 15 years old.
Damn you may not get much for those joints then. Theres some cats out there that want the tech specs of the shoe to still be intact no matter how clean they are
I think they were worn about a couple dozen times indoor court. But these are over 15 years old the material had to degrade overtime, it's inevitable.Not my pic, but similar condition.

There are not a lot of loyal people in this world. Then there are people who ask for the moon after giving you a couple rides here and there, even though they are not really that reliable. I have task rabbit and uber so I'm good.

Pretty much. Spot on.

I only have two loyal friends I'll help with no hesitation and they are the same when I need help without even thinking about saying no. They just do it.

This is why I put my bro-law on the "list"
Appreciate the feedback TAN good laughs :lol:
I am not concerned about my girl giving out her number she has good instincts if its a nice exchange or not. I like to think we are grown adults and exchanging phone numbers with the opposite sex isn't a "she wants the D" situation. I exchange numbers with girls i play co-ed soccer with and my girl knows and isn't sweating it. (my girl also comes to the games with me so its known i am taken)

It was just strange that this dude went out of his way like "oh i have a wife and a kid" Like don't worry everything is finnneeee.....then still goes the creeper route. Like oh just wear a wedding ring to the bar and talk to every girl but its married. Like didn't realize that was a jig. I thought if you were trying to cheat you just did it on the low. Not like used your wife and kid as an in.
Not saying your girl is a cheater, but most career cheaters, especially women, like to have affairs with other people in relationships so they both have something to lose.

Moral of the story: People ain’t **** and families don’t mean anything anymore.
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