the thread about nothing...



Right now, stop yourself. Stop and think about how you’re using your mental and emotional energy. Where is your precious life force going? The past is gone. There future hasn’t arrived. What is there to be scared of? You can reimagine and recreate yourself. You can let go and forgive yourself. Do it right now. See the best case scenario in your situation. What does that feel like? What if it does all work out? Think about that. Imagine that. Entertain that. Start using your mental force to see something different. Be optimistic about it. I know it’s easy to entertain habitual thoughts. Some negative habitual thoughts seem real because you have entertained it way too long. When you start to think positive you might find yourself not being certain if it’s real or if it is even working. One thing you need to understand is that repetitive thoughts always become strong and you even being to feel like a new person. This is what you can do. Think new thoughts. Feel new emotions. Being yourself out of the negative pessimistic attitude and own your inner power to change your mindset. It all starts with switching what you think to the opposite more powerful thought. Doing this more often you will notice a strong momentum towards being optimistic, hopeful, and strong at being positive. Be patient always. Start now. The best will begin to happen for you because you expect it and you believe it. You deeply will begin to know that all is possible for you! Focus on the best case scenario and the what if it does work out.
TAN, this week up to my bday 25th and one finally one on New Year's Eve. (I'll be out of the country and returning to a snowboarding trip.)

I wanted to see if I could do this for a year... :lol:

A lot of great things happened because of it. My whole attitude and view on life changed to believe it or not.

2019 will be another great year like all the others previous years!
This is literally the only superpower I want

I just wonder how I'd be able to consolidate all the hundred dollar bills without getting a call from the IRS
Was actually wondering the other day...let's say self flight was achievable but was just as exhausting if not twice as exhausting as running...would people still really want to do it?
Was actually wondering the other day...let's say self flight was achievable but was just as exhausting if not twice as exhausting as running...would people still really want to do it?

We would adapt.

Prob be the same thing as sprinting. People are faster then others and some can't even walk. But if it were possible and faster then driving a car...we would physically adapt to it being the normal mode of transportation
Don't know about not working, but they do have certain advantages maybe when it comes to have a bill or two paid.
A new batch of bad chicks turning 18 everyday tho B, competition is stiff...
I watch Ricegum's Twitch videos on youtube and he picks random young ladies to call. When asked if a celebrity has DM'd them, all have said it has happened to them and most even said several have. Think about all the regular dudes who slide in the DM's and are willing to flash some green to impress them.
So you'd just totally be a *****? These guys as flashing money to ****...not to spend quality time.
It's not easy as stealing candy from a baby , but develop some finesse skills. Why work a retail job paying $12 an hour when you have the option of guys willing to pay?
It's not easy as stealing candy from a baby , but develop some finesse skills. Why work a retail job paying $12 an hour when you have the option of guys willing to pay?
Cuz you'd rather earn a living vs relying on someone else?

The broads with that mentality are ******* useless. Glad you were born with a ****.
Cuz you'd rather earn a living vs relying on someone else?

The broads with that mentality are ****ing useless. Glad you were born with a ****.
I'm not encouraging anyone to be a slob. Life is too short. You need to use whatever advantages you have to get ahead whether is it appearance, athleticism, or intelligence. would hit the track b? Dubai?
:lol: nah but for real some women know how to finesse like the woman who got Craig Sager to remove all his children from his will and put her instead. Plus the few stories of guys getting finessed that I shared a couple months ago. I think those scenarios are common but the marks are too ashamed to come out.
Back at work after a week off. Waiting for FMLA and Bonding time to be approved so I could take more leave.

The moment I walked in two people were trippin out. Smh.
if the fedex package is at the main delivery hub of you city, is that usually also the distrbution center you can pickup from?
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