The Top 10 Reasons why BIGGIE IS/WAS THE BEST Vol. Yes I Agree

These_ is characters.
Big is barely top 15? 25 rappers better than Jay?


I usually respect everyone's opinion but this_ is ridiculous.
I can't take this serious.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I hear what you're saying, but when we're discussing who the greatest is, longevity plays a huge role.

If Mike played for like 7 years, broke both his legs and never played again, I would not say he's the GOAT.
Was he beast?

Didn't he win 2 titles?

But is he better than the player who's played for like 15 years, has 4 titles, and has similar numbers?

It's not his fault he died, but when discussing who the GREATEST of all time is, it def. plays a role.

I think NaS is the GOAT.
But if he died after IWW, I wouldn't say he was.

But the thing is ... you can't compare rappers to basketball players.

Mainly because rap game isn't as broad as the whole game of basketball.
but we can compare rappers to "dunkers" b/c both need SOME abilities to be great.
Rappers would need skills of flow, lyrics, beat selection, word play, and storytelling and a few more to be great.
For dunkers, they need skills of hang time, speed, creativity, style, swagger, and a few more to be great.

So let's just say Biggie is like VC and Jayz is like Dominique Wilkins.

Both Biggie and VC had a short career. VC was only a GREAT dunker as a raptor which didn't last too long.
Both Jayz and Wilkins had a longer career. Wilkins was a great dunker for longer than VC as a raptor.

But, many people agree that VC is the greatest dunker of all-time b/c we've seen what VC could do in his short period of time in Toronto.
Not saying Dominique wasn't a great dunker.
VC only won 1 slam dunk contest, and Dominique won 3 times i believe.


Biggie only dropped 1 classic album and 1 great album; when Jayz dropped 3 classic albums, numerous good albums, and some hot garbages.

Let's be honest.

Biggie had better flow, lyrics, storytelling, swagger, and some other aspects of RAP.
Jay is more successful in terms of album sales and business, but as far as being a RAPPER, he's not seeing Biggie.

Same goes to Dominique. He was more successful in terms of amount of slam dunk contest wins and the amount of dunks he threw down in his career.
But he is not seeing VC.

Therefore, BIG > JAY ... lol, i don't know about nas though, in terms of pure skills.
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