The Troubling Case of Amanda Knox 22yo American Student on Trial for Murder in Italy *UPDATE* Appeal

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

knightngale wrote:

she blamed a black guy and nobody believed her
I guess Italy is not that bad

did she really?

yep she tried to blame the murder on an innocent man but changed her story up.
You do realize that the "black guy" you speak of WAS convicted last October with his roll in this case, right? They found his exact Nikeshoe prints in the blood and he admitted he was there....

Her and her boyfriends stories changed up. At first their stories didn't even match up....

Nobody ever mentions the footprints either. They found bloody footprints from the room to across the hall to the bathroom and in Amanda's room that hadbeen cleaned up, but they found them with one of those lights. One set was positively identified as the boyfriends and the other set was a woman's thatwore the same size as Amanda. At the same time, both of them have said they never entered the room where the blood was....

Also, the knife they found at the boyfriends house with a tiny bit of blood on it. it just happened to be the victims...

@ her smiling in the courtroom.....
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

knightngale wrote:

she blamed a black guy and nobody believed her
I guess Italy is not that bad

did she really?

yep she tried to blame the murder on an innocent man but changed her story up.
You do realize that the "black guy" you speak of WAS convicted last October with his roll in this case, right? They found his exact Nike shoe prints in the blood and he admitted he was there....

I assume he was talking about this man

Patrick Diya Lumumba
Originally Posted by knightngale

she blamed a black guy and nobody believed her
I guess Italy is not that bad
you misread it.

EVERYBODY believed her. in fact they were able to prove the Black guy did it and he confessed. the difference is the prosecution was able to convince thejury the Black guy didn't act alone, but with her in a "twisted sex orgy".

my issue isn't that she was convicted. if she did it, then prove she did it and send her to prison. i don't like HOW they came about getting theconviction. it seemed like an unfair trial and their case was driven by heresay and fake evidence.

I don't know Amanda personally and can't speak on her character (though her courtroom behavior was a little weird... especially for someone on trialfor the murder of a friend, and I could see how that might affect a jury) but at the end of the day the fact remains that the prosecution didn't PROVEanything. all they did was throw out a few theories to how things might have gone down and produce a bunch of flimsy evidence to support those theories. Ijust don't like to see misappropriations of the legal process.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

knightngale wrote:

she blamed a black guy and nobody believed her
I guess Italy is not that bad

did she really?

yep she tried to blame the murder on an innocent man but changed her story up.
You do realize that the "black guy" you speak of WAS convicted last October with his roll in this case, right? They found his exact Nike shoe prints in the blood and he admitted he was there....

I assume he was talking about this man

Patrick Diya Lumumba

ooooooh The club owner.

I forgot about him! IMO, her throwing around stories when she "has no idea" what happened is also suspect....
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

knightngale wrote:

she blamed a black guy and nobody believed her
I guess Italy is not that bad

did she really?

yep she tried to blame the murder on an innocent man but changed her story up.
You do realize that the "black guy" you speak of WAS convicted last October with his roll in this case, right? They found his exact Nike shoe prints in the blood and he admitted he was there....

I assume he was talking about this man

Patrick Diya Lumumba
ooooooh The club owner.

I forgot about him! IMO, her throwing around stories when she "has no idea" what happened is also suspect....

i thought he was talking bout guede too. and yeah there's no question that she's suspicious. but i mean, the standard is "beyond a reasonabledoubt". as is they can barely even place her in that room on the day of the murder.

no respectable judge would have let that nonsense go in. @**% was a clown court.
this whole thing is crazy, I dont know enough about it to say whether I think she's innocent or guilty, but I was just watching a news special about it onCBS, and the whole situation is nuts.

correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt she confess at one point, and then changed the story up later on? I dont remember where I heard that from, but I heardit somewhere

and as for the knife, anyone couldve used it and gotten their DNA on it, doesn't necessarily mean Amanda or the bf used it to kill Meredith
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

this whole thing is crazy, I dont know enough about it to say whether I think she's innocent or guilty, but I was just watching a news special about it on CBS, and the whole situation is nuts.

correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt she confess at one point, and then changed the story up later on? I dont remember where I heard that from, but I heard it somewhere

and as for the knife, anyone couldve used it and gotten their DNA on it, doesn't necessarily mean Amanda or the bf used it to kill Meredith

Anyone could've used the knife and gotten traces of the victim's blood on the blade?
The American media seems to be spinning this as some sort of innocent all-american girl trapped in a vicious foreign system type
of thing...
all i will continue to remember about what happened resulting in a trial for murder is the phrase "sex game gone wrong"
[h1]Amanda Knox: 'She-Devil' or Victim of Anti-Americanism?[/h1]


Filed Under:Woman Up

Perugia is quite a beautiful Umbrian college town, birthplace of Perugino - duh - and home to Pinturicchio. It's where they make those little individually wrapped chocolates called "Baci,'' which means "kisses" in Italian. Just like bubble gum that comes wrapped in a comic, every candy comes wrapped in a smoochy quote. I bought my husband his wedding ring there, on our honeymoon, which is a whole other story.

But Perugia is also, alas, where a 21-year-old British student named Meredith Kercher was brutally murdered in 2007, a crime for which Kercher's young American roommate, Amanda Knox of Seattle, was convicted and sentenced to 26 years in prison on Saturday.

There is little to no physical evidence linking Knox to the murder, and much to suggest that she's really only in jail because Italian authorities didn't want to back down and admit that their original theory of the case was bogus. They insist that Kercher was killed in a kinky sexual "misadventure'' with Knox, her Italian boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, and a drifter, Rudy Guede, who has confessed to the crime. In court, Knox was painted as a #@!% and referred to as a "little she-devil.'' In court, they asked jurors to consider imagined dialogue between the victim and her killers.

Italian prosecutors have a history of corruption - and more recently, of fighting corruption -- and are regularly accused of pursuing various political agendas. While I was living in Italy as a reporter for the New York Times, I had exactly two dealings with prosecutors. The first was for a story involving a prosecutor for Milan whose office was trying to pursue terror suspects after 9/11. I interviewed him over dinner, along with another reporter who had known him for years. We carefully went over what was and was not on the record, but after the story appeared, he called and, for whose benefit I never knew, loudly informed me that we had never met. I found this upsetting, to say the least, but other reporters laughed when I told them what had happened. They always do that, I was told; it's to be expected, and is all part of the deal.

The second story involved a case of homegrown Italian terrorism following a bombing in Rome. A long interview with a prosecutor in that case provided a wealth of information - but so many internal contradictions that I hardly knew what to do with it. Attempts to clarify even the basics seemed to confuse the man I was interviewing, who eventually asked me what I wanted the story to say. People take news in Italy with more than a grain of salt, my colleagues patiently told me. A lot of it is widely understood to be theatre.

Have these two experiences left me with a bias about the Italian justice system? Absolutely. But I think it would be hard to argue that the six members of the Knox jury who came to court draped, literally, in the colors of the Italian flag, were unbiased arbiters of the facts of the case. The sensational coverage of the crime would have necessitated a change of venue in the United States, where Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Washington) issued a statement after the verdict yesterday:

"I am saddened by the verdict and I have serious questions about the Italian justice system and whether anti-Americanism tainted this trial. The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty. Italian jurors were not sequestered and were allowed to view highly negative news coverage about Ms. Knox. Other flaws in the Italian justice system on display in this case included the harsh treatment of Ms. Knox following her arrest; negligent handling of evidence by investigators; and pending charges of misconduct against one of the prosecutors stemming from another murder trial. I am in contact with the U.S. Ambassador to Italy and have been since the time of Ms. Knox's arrest. I will be conveying my concerns to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.''

Clinton would seem to be the perfect person to make sure that a young American woman isn't railroaded on account of her nationality and what those who know Knox see as made-up gossip about her sexuality. Yet when asked about the case Sunday morning by George Stephanopoulos, she said, "George, I honestly haven't had time to even examine that. I've been immersed in what we're doing in Afghanistan...I can't offer any opinion.''
That is especially disappointing given that Knox is only a few years younger than Chelsea Clinton. I hope the secretary of state will reconsider and find time in her schedule to look into the case.
This is the most odd story I can recall.

When Dateline dropped that she was doing cartwheels and junk at the Police Station?!

I don't think she murdered the girl, though, I believe she knows more than she let on.

They already got someone else doing a bid for the actual murder, didn't they??
yeah sad story.. she went to my school and it's been all over the school's paper
It's a crazy story

I didn't think she was going to get convicted

26 years man that sucks
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