The Truth Behind Bottled Water

Originally Posted by notoriousniq

At ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821's video: That might actually be a real concern with tap water - I don't know, I've never heard of this before. I do know that fluoride was originally added to tap water because it helps strengthen teeth (when it contacts your teeth, not when you ingest it). People that get their water from wells often do fluoride treatments at home similar to what you get at the dentist because they don't come into regular contact with it often enough.

All that being said, I'm a little skeptical of the video in general. The guy never mentions any of this stuff and just claims that there is absolutely nothing good that comes from having fluoride in tap water. If he's really been a health care specialist for over 30 years, he should at least know the basic uses of fluoride. The video also throws up random graphs with tiny, almost illegible writing without much explanation - only saying that it supports what they're already telling you. The graphs look jenky as hell and don't have any sources with them or anything.

You actually believe that
Originally Posted by notoriousniq

And one last thing - if you are a middle-aged corporate lawyer, don't you have more important stuff than bringing your creepy self into the "post pics of fine females" threads to talk about hot girls with other kids while on your lunch break?!
you know...ive always wondered this
^^So I'm not allowed to have a little fun because I became a corporate lawyer?  Jesus....

Also, I don't know why everyone on here think I am such a bad person.

Honestly, I think you guys/girls just come from a different generation, where you were taught from a young age to care about things like the environment.

Put everything else aside for one moment and look at what I'm saying:  I sacrificed my entire life to get where I am now, only to have the govt decide I've done too well?  Really?  That's how its gonna be?  I understand if I was making millions of dollars a year.  In all seriousness, who REALLY needs money like that?  But I don't make money like that.  Yeah, I make over $250k, but that is seriously going to be where the line should be drawn?  In NYC that is middle income.

I give probably about $10,000 a year to different charities including Jewish charities, battered women with kids that had to leave their idiot husbands that were beating them and WTC victims' funds.  I do this EVERY year (9/11 was 2001 when I first graduated law school and started working).  I am happy to do it and I'm proud to give back and ask NOTHING in return.  However, this is my choice.  I don't like when people tell me what I have to do.  Even then, fine, I'll do what eeveryone else does.  But to get it worse?  Really?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by notoriousniq

At ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821's video: That might actually be a real concern with tap water - I don't know, I've never heard of this before. I do know that fluoride was originally added to tap water because it helps strengthen teeth (when it contacts your teeth, not when you ingest it). People that get their water from wells often do fluoride treatments at home similar to what you get at the dentist because they don't come into regular contact with it often enough.

All that being said, I'm a little skeptical of the video in general. The guy never mentions any of this stuff and just claims that there is absolutely nothing good that comes from having fluoride in tap water. If he's really been a health care specialist for over 30 years, he should at least know the basic uses of fluoride. The video also throws up random graphs with tiny, almost illegible writing without much explanation - only saying that it supports what they're already telling you. The graphs look jenky as hell and don't have any sources with them or anything.

You actually believe that
thanks for explaining why we shouldn't believe it
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Also, I don't know why everyone on here think I am such a bad person.
You don't seem like a bad person at all. You just like to push buttons sometimes.

Some people go way overboard with their replies to your opinion of things though.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

where did i say that? Of course everyone who has a job earns their money. It breaks my heart to leave my dog everyday, so i can imagine how it must be to people with kids. But...Im talkin about people in the other thread saying "the rich inherited it" bla bla bla so they dont know about hard life...he has a job just like me (he happens to make WAY more) just not understanding the hate for hovkid. I dont make anywhere nearrrr 250k a year, but if i did id feel the same way as him. who's to tell him he's making too much? He doesnt have it easy just because he makes more money...thats all im sayin.

Ive never seen anyone imply that Hovkid inherited his money or that he doesnt work hard for it. I dont see the hate.

HovKid, does your wife work?
She used to, but when we moved to Long Island after we had our first baby, she decided to give up her job so she could be with Emerson everyday.  It was a blow to us because she made basically just as much as I was making at the time.  I was pretty nervous about it, but in the end, about 6-9 months after she gave it up I realized that it's worth all the money in the world to have Jen watching the kids.  I don't have to worry about nannies or how they might treat my kids, etc.  Jen basically puts everything she used to put into her job into raising Emerson and jack, and their progress is unreal. 

I feel very blessed from a family standpoint.

If I can take a minute to say.....


This is the first person on NT to ever realize where I'm coming from.  I work so hard to get where I've gotten.  I busted my +#! for 15 years, studying all day and night in law school, working 80-100 hour workweeks after graduating and until only 2 years ago when I have the job I have now.  And because I made something of myself so I could take care of my family and not be a drain on society, I am penalized for it.  That is bs.  I'll pay some taxes.  Hell, I'll pay the same percentage as everyone else.  But I have to pay more because I took advantage of "the American dream"?  WTH???? 

And listen, just face it, I don't care one iota (sp?) about recyling or sustainability.  Its a joke and effects my life zero.  Just like the recent heathcare bill.  I get nothing from it....oh wait, I get another $2,000 a year in taxes.  That's right.  So now I'm not only funding people's mortgages for them, I'm also paying for their heathcare.  Name one thing being done for me!  Its not like I'm making millions of dollars a year here like a movie star or pro athlete!  Why do I have to deal with this?  I live in a bsic 4 bedroom home in an area with a good public school system, have two cars and am saving for my keds college.  I'm not driving Bentlys and ferraris and living in $10m mansions.

Its f'd up....that's all.

Where in L.I. do you live?
I understand where you are coming from, my dad is most likely in the same income bracket as you, busted his %%# for 15 years to get where he tax refund check for him, just ends up paying more.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Also, I don't know why everyone on here think I am such a bad person.
You don't seem like a bad person at all. You just like to push buttons sometimes.

Some people go way overboard with their replies to your opinion of things though.

What?  Someone actually understands?  I probably let more fly than I should.  But it is true that people on here are way hard on me and way too serious.  It's OK.  I love all ya'll like my brothers.  I think what we have here is fun.

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Where in L.I. do you live?
I understand where you are coming from, my dad is most likely in the same income bracket as you, busted his %%# for 15 years to get where he tax refund check for him, just ends up paying more.


Originally Posted by HOVKid

^^So I'm not allowed to have a little fun because I became a corporate lawyer?  Jesus....
nahhh....I just know how busy lawyers are....and you're a lawyer w/ a wife and kids so I def know its time consuming....thats all
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

where did i say that? Of course everyone who has a job earns their money. It breaks my heart to leave my dog everyday, so i can imagine how it must be to people with kids. But...Im talkin about people in the other thread saying "the rich inherited it" bla bla bla so they dont know about hard life...he has a job just like me (he happens to make WAY more) just not understanding the hate for hovkid. I dont make anywhere nearrrr 250k a year, but if i did id feel the same way as him. who's to tell him he's making too much? He doesnt have it easy just because he makes more money...thats all im sayin.
Nobody's saying ANY of that in this thread. He took a stance on this post topic, and others were curious as to why he feels so passionate about against it. End of story.

And I'll go as far as agreeing with him on this as well. If what he says is true (about the gov officials and their excessive spending) then he's right. I won't, however, go out of my way to add to the problems. I'll forgo the aerosol cans and plastic cups in favor of paper cups when it's convenient for me.
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by HOVKid

^^So I'm not allowed to have a little fun because I became a corporate lawyer?  Jesus....
nahhh....I just know how busy lawyers are....and you're a lawyer w/ a wife and kids so I def know its time consuming....thats all

Thanks.  I seem to have it under control for now.  If you really watch me though there are days that go by when I don't post at all.  That's when I'm cranking at work.  Also, I never really post after 7pm or on weekends, which is when I leave work and am with my family.  When I have down time at work, NT General is my outlet.

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Also, I don't know why everyone on here think I am such a bad person.
You don't seem like a bad person at all. You just like to push buttons sometimes.

Some people go way overboard with their replies to your opinion of things though.

What?  Someone actually understands?  I probably let more fly than I should.  But it is true that people on here are way hard on me and way too serious.  It's OK.  I love all ya'll like my brothers.  I think what we have here is fun.

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Where in L.I. do you live?
I understand where you are coming from, my dad is most likely in the same income bracket as you, busted his %%# for 15 years to get where he tax refund check for him, just ends up paying more.



I do think that for the most part youre a cool dude. I appreciate being able to get at you for liking 12 yr old bodies, but all thats besides the point.

I just dont like when you go out of your way to remind us how much you dont care about anyone but yourself. Im always going to call you out on that, but its always going to be in fun....mixed with a few serious undertones.

Tell jibbertrucker she could come back now, we're having a group hug.
HOVKid, good for you for accomplishing your goal.

I really do congratulate you, but you have to think about it like this.

God forbid, but what if something happens and you become unemployed and unable to practice anymore.

Then what? You're relying on the government. That's why paying taxes on things like health care affects you.
I always been meaning to cop a brita filter....

but i love me some bottled water, there is noticable difference in most places.
Hovkid, it's one thing to ignore the issue but to say it doesn't matter or that it can't affect you is the real bs

like others have said, there are a lot of scams out there but this "dont buy bottled water" campaign doesn't seem to fall into that category

my geology teacher put me onto this years ago and is adamant about it, I trust her judgement on this issue wholeheartedly

you're making ZERO since, all you're really saying is that because the government is screwing you outta tax money you're willing to screw the environment

please tell me what you working hard has to do with the earth? I seem to be missing the correlation
And listen, just face it, I don't care one iota (sp?) about recyling or sustainability.  Its a joke and effects my life zero.  Just like the recent heathcare bill.  I get nothing from it....oh wait, I get another $2,000 a year in taxes.  That's right.  So now I'm not only funding people's mortgages for them, I'm also paying for their heathcare.  Name one thing being done for me!  Its not like I'm making millions of dollars a year here like a movie star or pro athlete!  Why do I have to deal with this?  I live in a bsic 4 bedroom home in an area with a good public school system, have two cars and am saving for my keds college.  I'm not driving Bentlys and ferraris and living in $10m mansions.

You've completely missed the entire point, my friend.  It DOES affect your life because YOU have kids.  It may be a joke to you at this point in time, but let nothing change and see how funny it is 30 or 40 years down the road.  That's the point that people with your attitude completely miss.  Everything is about YOU and your universe, and in the meantime you completely miss how your personal actions can positively or negatively affect those around you--yes, even strangers.  By buying into recycling you won't fix the world's environmental problems.  But by scoffing at the idea of it, you certainly aren't helping the situation, either.  You don't owe anyone anything, but as a family man I would like to think that you could see that doing your little part in a larger effort can be a positive thing for your kids and grandchildren.       
@HOVKid - All I really want to know from you (and the other anti-enviros) is how can you willingly destroy the planet for future generations and not even care in the slightest? It doesn't bother you that your great grandchildren will despise you and everything you stood for because of the mess of a planet you left them with? Or that this generation will be looked at with disgust when future generations study us and see we could have done something but said No because it wouldn't effect us. Personally I'd like to be viewed as the generation that took a stand and did something. This is the "great war" of our times and we are already waving the white flag

Coming from a law school student, HOVKid >. No romo.

Aren't you working in house counsel now? That's doin it. I wouldn't mind slugging it out in BigLaw for a while before getting there though.

As for the environmental arguments, its along the same lines of religion and politics. Some people feel a certain way about it and its really no use in trying to convince people otherwise.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Coming from a law school student, HOVKid >. No romo.

Aren't you working in house counsel now? That's doin it. I wouldn't mind slugging it out in BigLaw for a while before getting there though.

As for the environmental arguments, its along the same lines of religion and politics. Some people feel a certain way about it and its really no use in trying to convince people otherwise.
I know one use. No planet = No humans .. as far as we know. At least with religion if you can't get people on board, you are still going to heaven/etc. In this situation, if we don't get everyone on board we are ALL going under. Same with politics, that only effects one town/city/region/country, this is an issue for the entire world.
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