The U.S. Agrees, iPhone is NOT most popular phone

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Considering that the iPhone is likely rolling out a 3rd-generation model in the summer and consequently outdating the current models, that might help to explain some part of this report.

nah no new iPhone this summer.... 3.0 upgrade
Originally Posted by snow pl0w

I don't really care what's more popular..I rock with a Bold personally..but fact is there are way more unemployed bummy dudes rocking with $99 Curves with no data plan than there are rocking iPhones..cost of admission for an iPhone plan I believe is $100/ got dudes copping BlackBerries and using prepaid cards, I mean come on. Maybe when the Curve came out 2 years ago it was cool to brag- and the Bold was cool last year- but BlackBerries are no longer a status symbol like some people like to think. Let it go, they're just phones..
QFT. I got tired of AT&T half-assed service and got rid of my Bold and went back to T-Mobile for the Sidekick. Say what you will about theSK, but it gets the job done for me. NT takes cell phones way too seriously nowadays as if it defines who they are when it's not the case at all.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

It's because MetroPCS has it now.

That explains all those bummy guys I see with BlackBerries now..guarantee they all say MetroPCS or Sprint on the bottom- two carriers that cater to people withhorrendous credit.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Iphone is the most popular phone for people under 25.

Look at NT demographics.

Blackberry = corporate america. At the firm I co-op at, they hand out blackberry's like pencils and paper lol.

Qft, my employer let's every employee grip up to 3 BlackBerries per year- even if they don't need a new one. Makes it funny to see people thinkthey're doing it with their bb in their hand at all times..yea you're doing it bbming your other unemployed friends all day. Lol. Put your no datahaving prepaid blackberry in your pocket--youre not impressing anyone--a bb doesn't mean you have an important job (anymore).
Qft, my employer let's every employee grip up to 3 BlackBerries per year- even if they don't need a new one. Makes it funny to see people think they're doing it with their bb in their hand at all times..yea you're doing it bbming your other unemployed friends all day. Lol. Put your no data having prepaid blackberry in your pocket--youre not impressing anyone--a bb doesn't mean you have an important job (anymore).

someone definately got you mad...anyway i just made the switch from my iphone to the 8900...cant really complain. The edge network ishorrible tho...
jailbroken + unlocked....and any app in the app store for free and cydia. Nothing can compete with that.

yuuup. iphone isa beast wen its jailbroken.

i have an i phone, and i mean, i dont think i can go back to not having one and rocking with something else, i cant do it, nothing is seeing it.
How is this surprising?

The Curve is/was/continues to be sold on every carrier known to man.
Originally Posted by snow pl0w

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Iphone is the most popular phone for people under 25.

Look at NT demographics.

Blackberry = corporate america. At the firm I co-op at, they hand out blackberry's like pencils and paper lol.

Qft, my employer let's every employee grip up to 3 BlackBerries per year- even if they don't need a new one. Makes it funny to see people think they're doing it with their bb in their hand at all times..yea you're doing it bbming your other unemployed friends all day. Lol. Put your no data having prepaid blackberry in your pocket--youre not impressing anyone--a bb doesn't mean you have an important job (anymore).

lol Just because your BB doesn't impress people anymore, you don't have to be so salty.. It's just a damn phone..
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by snow pl0w

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Iphone is the most popular phone for people under 25.

Look at NT demographics.

Blackberry = corporate america. At the firm I co-op at, they hand out blackberry's like pencils and paper lol.

Qft, my employer let's every employee grip up to 3 BlackBerries per year- even if they don't need a new one. Makes it funny to see people think they're doing it with their bb in their hand at all times..yea you're doing it bbming your other unemployed friends all day. Lol. Put your no data having prepaid blackberry in your pocket--youre not impressing anyone--a bb doesn't mean you have an important job (anymore).

lol Just because your BB doesn't impress people anymore, you don't have to be so salty.. It's just a damn phone..

Once again QFT. People seriously equate status with a phone
I'vemet some cats with crazy money with the simplest phone. It's all about what works for you.
curve is a good phone and I liked it when I had it for a lil bit. I have an iphone now and I gotta say the Iphone is much better phone than the curve

ThrowedInDaGame wrote:

Iphone is the most popular phone for people under 25.

Look at NT demographics.

Blackberry = corporate america. At the firm I co-op at, they hand out blackberry's like pencils and paper lol.
I thought on NT everyone has the Sidekick
Then cameBlackBerry then iPhone

Originally Posted by snow pl0w

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

It's because MetroPCS has it now.

That explains all those bummy guys I see with BlackBerries now..guarantee they all say MetroPCS or Sprint on the bottom- two carriers that cater to people with horrendous credit.


That has nothing to do with it. Not everyone that has bad credit are with Sprint or Metro PCS (whatever that is). I seen people with horrible credit go withVerizon, and AT&T and T-Mobile. I seen people drop over $500 deposit with AT&T then drop another $200 to get that overated iPhone. Which is purestupidity at its best. A bunch of people trying to get that iPhone so they can think the doin something big when in reality they a paycheck away from turningit into a Pre-Paid Phone
^ not MMS or C&P!
I have an iphone btw.

Anyone know when OS 3.0 is dropping? Shame it took 2 years for basic things like copy & paste and MMS that every other phone has had since the 2000s
Originally Posted by Pat10leather

^ not MMS or C&P!
I have an iphone btw.

Anyone know when OS 3.0 is dropping? Shame it took 2 years for basic things like copy & paste and MMS that every other phone has had since the 2000s
Jailbreak the phone and you can
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by parada45

The iPhone is still the best phone out there

Not true. Nokia N Series >>> iPhones. I'm serious.
actually, Japanese phones>anything.

when i was in tokyo, i was shocked at how many features we're missing out on.
Originally Posted by zube42

Originally Posted by Pat10leather

^ not MMS or C&P!
I have an iphone btw.

Anyone know when OS 3.0 is dropping? Shame it took 2 years for basic things like copy & paste and MMS that every other phone has had since the 2000s
Jailbreak the phone and you can
the C&P app is garbage

as for MMS, it's too much +@! you gotta do

bottom line, I shouldn't have to jailbreak it for that. it's something that should have been implemented into the OS originally. especially a phonewith as much as hype and cost as the iphone.
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