The Walking Dead - Official Thread

My baby Andrea. 
I can see the 'lack of material' talk that came up around Mazzara's departure. The show hasn't been bad IMO, just a lot of filler with little progression to the overall story.
i am about to stop watching this (for now) .. cant handle all these nonsense episodes.
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I "predict" that Lourie's baby will be Shane's.

How do you guys "think" those prisoners survived that walker infested prison?

Why do you "think" that those prisoners didn't try to leave?

I wonder if they still have handcuffs on.

Come to think of it, those prisoners must have food/suppies since they're hulled up in there.

I wonder if they're infected as well.
I posted this in oct.

I barely ask questions anymore.

I don't give a .... anymore.
All the people complaining now will be in here posting :pimp: 's for the last 2 episodes

Anybody else see the gynecologist tool in The Governor's torture stash? :x :smh:

A speculum? yeah. because in the comic book he actually gets to use it

these show writers are bluffing. no way they let the governor get all rapey. that's too much.  the comic went there and it was upsetting to people.  the show won't dare.
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A speculum? yeah. because in the comic book he actually gets to use it :lol:

these show writers are bluffing. no way they let the governor get all rapey. that's too much.  the comic went there and it was upsetting to people.  the show won't dare.

I figured he wouldn't use it because on the Talking Dead they had a segment with the prop guy for the show
and he mentioned how The Governor would use every other tool besides the speculum.
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Didn’t really like this episode

I hope these last 2 episodes make up for this bad second half of season 3

They probably won't go to war until season 4
I still like the show... you guys can't expect everything to always be shoot em run and gun type episodes because then you'd get tired of that too and then you would all complain that there is too much of that and they need to slow down.

I too didn't like how Andrea made it all the way there and then at the last moment she get's captured :smh:

The Governer does have the right idea though... hog tie these ***'s and get your nut at will :D Did any of you get a chance to see the webisodes on AMC I believe with the dude in the storage facility :rofl: dude was the best :lol: had the nice setup with a nice young thing tied up waiting for him whenever he wanted.

Man they should have let me be the Governer or the writer for him I would have showed stuff like him having girls locked away and raping them... young ones too. Really got people to hate him :x

Andrea was looking extra fine on the Talking Dead though.

Spoiler below is about the screen shots posted so if you don't want to have the season spoiled for you then don't click it and read my comments on them.

From the spoiler screenshots shown though it looks like Merle "took" Michonne on his own to try to surrender her and cut a deal with the Governer and that's when he got captured by Woodbury and the result
this season is pretty dope i commend them for their work the strain and sense of desperation is pretty amazing im just patiently waiting to see how this all ends up because quite a few things are off from the comic book series
i think the last 2 episodes we will see 2 big characters die,
and i can see something happenig to RIck, if u read the comic then u might know
All the people complaining now will be in here posting :pimp: 's for the last 2 episodes

Anybody else see the gynecologist tool in The Governor's torture stash? :x :smh:


damn... I never read the comics

guess the governor is a little more twisted than I thought
So you're telling me that Andrea ran outta woodbury with the quickness only to take her sweet *** time once the prison was in sight.

.... outta here.
I can see myself not watching s4 like I am s3.
This show is losing my interest.

What he said. I've already started just DVR'n it and just watching it when I get a chance. Not even excited to see it really anymore. Its falling flat. Basically becoming Prison Break.

Yeah I actually preferred season 2 up to this point so far . The characters this season aren't holding my interest (even though Glenn and Carl are bosses now ). I wish Daryl and Merle would of ventured off a little more instead of coming back the next 2 episodes. I wish t-dogg good for nothing *** was still around , he deserved a better way to go out. I miss the conflict between ricks leadership and Shane's viewpoint .
AMC dropped the ball with this season imo. They somehow turned the most exciting story arch from the comic book into this boring, slow moving season that is losing the interest of many people. Some of it has to do with splitting the season into 2 halves because we expected excitement immediately upon return but it also has to do with the fact that AMC just can't show a lot of the stuff that made the Governor so evil in the first place.

I rewatched some of the earlier episodes and I still don't see why the Governor is someone evil. The writers just expect us to hate him because he is opposite of Rick and the gang. The worst thing he did in the show was kill those soldiers and take their weapons. That's bad but personally it didn't make me hate him as a character. He kept heads of the walkers in aquariums? Weird but not enough to make me hate him. He got Maggie to strip down but didn't touch her? Again, messed up but not enough to make me hate him. So now we're in this weird place where the writers expect us to cringe and cower in fear every time the Governor is on the screen but we're not there because the writers didn't do a good enough job bringing us there.

After watching this season, it would have made more sense for a company like HBO to have made this series. They can show a lot more things from the comic that made the story so compelling without having to worry about the cable limitations AMC has to deal with.
So what heinous acts does the gov do in the comics that they can't show on Amc? U can pm me if it may rustle a few jimmies . I'm trying to hold off on the books till around may
Okay, why couldn't the writers figure a way to get that in the show. Obviously they're not gonna show it but they could have alluded to it. For instance the scene with Maggie would of been the perfect way have her strip and end the scene with her screams and some struggle in the room from a view of the shut door or room next to Glenn's . If you can show zombie lil kids brains getting blown out and heads get crushed like watermelons why can't u get away with that ?
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