The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I don't think people talking about the comic is a big deal

But I can see why people get mad about it

Just use spoilers or go the comic thread

No big deal
IDK how many times this has been said yet there's always that one guy who posts something like "Oh blah blah blah major spoiler."

Then dips like nothing happened.
please explain how is Michonne beheading the Governor paying HOMAGE to the comics.....if nothing like this ever happened in the comics, how in the world would it relate to them in any way? would it "honor" anything that never happened.


For real, man. He is the one who needs to read a dictionary. Why are we even having this discussion for this long? Don't mention the comics in here out of courtesy for people who are watching the show and haven't read them. If you wanna' talk comics, then visit the comic thread or use a spoiler. It doesn't matter if what he mentioned before really happened in the comics or not, it was an opportunity to lay some ground rules in here out of common respect.It's simple and not worthy of a flame war. :smh:
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At that post being deleted. Now I know you guys are tripping, I don't even read the comics :lol: Sheesh this thread is so uptight :x
Apparently i can pay homage to Independence Day by not raising my flag but by decorating my house with Xmas lights...and I get called for not knowing the definition of homage :lol:
Reports me, says he's not going to drag it out, then makes some ridiculous sarcastic comment to even dare say I don't know what paying homage is while still not knowing what I'm even talking about that happened in the comics.


Pathetic but I guess that's a personal attack too right?
I dont get why people have to be douches. Just shut the **** up about the comic its not that hard. Paying homage is relating, resembling, similar to something that has happened in the past. You cant pay homage without some kind of connection between two situations i dont get how this is even an argument...
Exactly, what that person suggested relates, resembles and is similar to something that happened in the comics, it'd be honoring something in the comics but what he said isn't what happened in the comics. That happening would honor something in the comics. Same with Hershel's leg, Merle's hand, and the Governor's eye.

What I want to know is how can someone who doesn't know what I'm referencing complain that something paying homage to it is spoiling it when they have no idea at all what I'm even referencing.

Dude is categorically wrong about me spoiling anything so now only thing left to do is ***** about him not understanding my use of the word homage and try to claim if it was a homage it would be spoiling something. :rolleyes
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The statement spoilers two folds. On one hand you lead a strong implication that something happens very similar to what you described.

Then you eliminate an entire idea of michonne eventually getting the governors head by proclaiming that isnt what happens.

And this is why if you even have to type the word comic, or think about it in your post use a spoiker or go to the appropriate thread.
No, I quoted the person who said that and deleted what he said.

As I did with the spoiler you posted.
 I don't even read the comics
Oh, so you were just trolling for the heck of it?

Posts major comic spoiler.

Says you're tripping
The statement spoilers two folds. On one hand you lead a strong implication that something happens very similar to what you described.

Then you eliminate an entire idea of michonne eventually getting the governors head by proclaiming that isnt what happens.

And this is why if you even have to type the word comic, or think about it in your post use a spoiker or go to the appropriate thread.
Actually if you read the last page by the time I replied that was already stated and established for dude who assumed that was what happened. So at that point the cat was out of the bag due to dude wanting to ***** about his assumption and then his insistence that what I said had to be spoilers to justify his crying about it.

The only thing I initially "spoiled" is that someone got beheaded at some point in the comic but given what's happened in the show up to now, the whole nature of deaths and how they happen not sure that's much of a spoiler. It's not like this is the Mad Men thread and I said Don and Roger die in a shootout in an ad men gang war.
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 I don't even read the comics :lol:
Oh, so you were just trolling for the heck of it?
Posts major comic spoiler.
Says you're tripping

Dude what the **** are you talking about :lol: . I made a widely generalized statement and I don't keep up with the comics. And I posted a major spoiler when the comic IS STILL ONGOING?

I'm not here to argue though. Continue on
Dude what the **** are you talking about
. I made a widely generalized statement and I don't keep up with the comics. And I posted a major spoiler when the comic IS STILL ONGOING?

I'm not here to argue though. Continue on
Since you don't keep up with the comic, that's why I said that you're trolling.

You said "this happens." Whether or not "this happens," you still felt the need to post it.

Yes, you posted a major comic spoiler.

You're not here to argue, but it's clear that you're here to troll.
i personally don't see how knowing anonymous character A beheads anonymous character B at some point spoils anything for either the tv or comic crouds. that's pretty vague
The statement spoilers two folds. On one hand you lead a strong implication that something happens very similar to what you described.

Then you eliminate an entire idea of michonne eventually getting the governors head by proclaiming that isnt what happens.

And this is why if you even have to type the word comic, or think about it in your post use a spoiker or go to the appropriate thread.


Indirectly relates what may or may not happen to the comics....then negates the whole idea of Michonne possibly being the one to kill the simple! me it was actually a theory that she would be the one to kill him off, thanks for lettin me know that wont happen.

I mean is it too much to ask of you to keep any comic book talk in a spoiler?...grow up fam and have some consideration for the rest that are watching, there is a reason why there is a comic book thread, the funniest part is that we have readers who can't stop complaining about how much better the comic book is, but decide to flood this thread with complaints...why?
i personally don't see how knowing anonymous character A beheads anonymous character B at some point spoils anything for either the tv or comic crouds. that's pretty vague

Michonne is the only one walking around with a can't behead someone with a pistol or a crossbow.
both of you are still STILL talking about this. :x :smh: Move on it ain't that serious.
Yeah, let's all move on.

Let's move on to how crappy is the game? the one with Merle and Daryl?

Any here have it/played it?
Yeah, let's all move on.

Let's move on to how crappy is the game? the one with Merle and Daryl?

Any here have it/played it?

you could tell from the beginning it was a cash grab. It looked like crap from the get go. Telltale's game is the only one that did the property justice.
i personally don't see how knowing anonymous character A beheads anonymous character B at some point spoils anything for either the tv or comic crouds. that's pretty vague

Michonne is the only one walking around with a can't behead someone with a pistol or a crossbow.
If you read the comic you'd know why you're wrong. More assumptions. More crying and moaning. You're so stubborn about it you can't even accept you're wrong.
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If you read the comic you'd know why you're wrong. More assumptions. More crying and moaning. You're so stubborn about it you can't even accept you're wrong.

im wrong for what for telling you to use spoilers?.....well too bad, use the damb spoilers.....simple as that, what are you 10?...cant comprehend a simple request?...i dont care if im wrong or not, or if im making assumptions, you wanna chat about the comics, do so in that thread and if you must use this one, use the tags SIMPLEEEE.
OMG take it to twitter or something or private message. Both of you GROW UP and MOVE ON :x
lotta this going on in here

To be fair, dudes in here acting like this


Let's keep it simple. If anyone thinks it was a's a spoiler, so take it to comic book thread.

If you got a question that someone who only watched the show can't answer...take it to the comic book thread.

If you don't know whether it's a spoiler or not...just PM someone who read the books, it's real easy to figure out who did.

Everyone enjoys things their own way and everyone got their own sensitivity to having things get ruined for them. Just hearing that something big is gonna happen, or watch out for this person, or awww man you don't even know about ______ is it's own little ********. You know damn well that in person, there's no telling how whichever one of your friends would take knows this that or the 3rd until you really get to know them, so quit blasting it here.

These are the type of dudes like the Game of Thrones thread who kept going...yo don't even know...yo enjoy Ned...Ned a good's a shame. Just wait. Ned ****** up, hope it don't come back to cut him :nerd:.

Get off another way, you're just being a troll.

And when has airing out potential trollin for page after page been what's real good? You better than that, ksteezy.
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If you read the comic you'd know why you're wrong. More assumptions. More crying and moaning. You're so stubborn about it you can't even accept you're wrong.

im wrong for what?
Don't be daft now. You're wrong about it being a spoiler. I've been more than clear about that repeatedly. That's what led to every consecutive reply about this topic.

As far as I'm concerned your *****ing and moaning is what led to any "discussion" about the comic given all I did was mention something about the comic.
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Son! You say pay HOMAGE...can you please tell me what your definition and how Michonne beheading the governor would relate at all if that never happened in the comics, which btw you saying it never happened in the comics is a spoiler within really isn't that complicated, don't confuse me making you look like a fool with me supposedly ***ing and moaning....

Once again, anything comic related use the spoiler tags, not sure how many times must I repeat it so that it gets through your thick skull...I don't give a damb how insignificant you think it is, there is a comics thread and then there is this one, learn to use them accordingly.
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