I don't think Carol is really embracing them. I think she's playing the long con. They think Daryl is the one to watch for when its really Carol. She playing them Alexandria folk. You can tell when she echo'd what Carl said at the end
Carol defintely setting them up. Her interview was fake, complete with lies, cheesy smiles and happiness.
I don't know what's going on, but in the previews for next week it looks like Ricks group has something planned up their sleeves. Daryl the rebel is getting followed by J. Crew aka ksteezy and confronts him and I hear Rick planning something and he's telling Carol that it can't be Daryl because they watch him to closely.
I think that little girl that Coooorl wants to smash took Ricks piece not Morgan... or maybe someone from inside because they were probably watching them from jump. Morgan is way to far back to have caught up with the group.
Seems like Rick's group are the "bad guys" compared to these people.
Believe it or not it is all about survival at this point that's why they replayed Rick's interview at the end. Rick's group is more adapted and more advanced to what's been going on so that's why they are they way they are. These people at Pleasantville haven't been through enough like Rick's group has that's why they don't have the mindstate of letting strangers in.
Also, in Rick's group there is no more voice of reason, maybe Michonne... if that, but since Dale got killed, Hershel became the voice of reason, then maybe Tyrese a little, but after he got killed they don't have anyone there to say... hey that's wrong we shouldn't take over these people's camp after they were welcoming with accepting us. They're all straight killers in survival mode so as they said... it's them against the world and they will do whatever it is to keep their family safe.
I think these people at Plesantville want that type of bond that's why they brought Ricks group in or they brought them in for protection from other outsiders.
I watched the first episode where Tyrese got killed because I never got to see the whole thing, and while standing in the middle I saw some graffiti writing on the wall that said the wolves are not far or something. I remember some dude posting a spoiler about it so I guess they might be the next enemies.
One last thing I think it was a mistake for Glenn to flex on this dude. Now when they go on another run this guy might cause Glenn to get killed and that will start an all out war and Rick's group will really kill these people off and take their spot.