The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Mmm, Rosita AND Tara.

Anyway, I finally watched ep. 2 of FTWD...Pretty good episode, minus the fact the sister has gotten on the annoying levels of Lori.
I think movies that are considered "black movies" are full of stereotypes about other races, but that's none of my business.

Black people stay on that ********.


#blacklivesmatter says a lot about the mindset of that culture, glad it didn't gain much traction.

Excuse me?

The think piece is a little much, but that has been a running joke about TWD for years now and people have said this about the show overall for years. T-Dog was the most egregious form of it on the show. The name first of all, an idiot, left to do menial tasks like burying dead bodies in Season 2, little to no dialogue his entire three season run and when he does die he sacrifices himself so that Carol could live. They turned an Alpha in Tyrese into a eunuch and made him a babysitter. People were actually happy to see him die because no longer would the character have been butchered. So miss me with there's people mad over nothing. There obviously is smoke because this has been a topic of discussion for some time. It is bigger than people die in a zombie apocalypse. The showrunners and Kirkman are putting images out there whether deliberate or not do have an effect. We harp on how we tell young girls that they're supposed to be nothing more than feminine and wear pink and play with dolls. The outcry was large enough that Target made the toy section gender neutral. The lack of female superheroes has resulted in Marvel creating new ones and even changing the identities of their well known properties to satisfy a feminist agenda. This topic isn't important to me to where I want someone's creativity stifled, but good points are made in that write up and if some of you actually read it without any biases, you would see it as well. What happens on Kirkman's shows is a microcosm of the problem in Hollywood.

rock clap gif b
we've seen 3 black men killed in the first 2 episodes of ftwd. 3. ******* 3 b.

kirkman and his staff are saying, bluntly might I add, that the black man cannot survive when things go wrong. It's bull ****.
Actually, Kirkman had Tyrese as a centerpiece in TWD (comic).

Would be funny though if they're now playing into it, just to piss off the keyboard warriors out there.

I know Kurt Sutter was a fan of that in Sons of Anarchy.
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Can't make a social issue out of everything, especially when millions of viewers truly don't care... well except for a very small demographic of the show.
So because theres not enough people(that you know of) complaining, its not a problem?

Did not know life worked that way...
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Can't make a social issue out of everything, especially when millions of viewers truly don't care... well except for a very small demographic of the show.

how do you know? I'm pretty sure most to all viewers of color have noticed. Even if they don't say anything. Maybe because you can't relate and maybe in someways you feel the same as the writers, its not a big deal to you that the main characters to go down, and first, are black. That's the running joke in the horror genre as a whole.
Man, just take this **** somewhere else. :lol:

Not going to kill this thread with a non-sensical race debate.

You people feel slighted, great, add it to the list. Not partaking in that discussion, not here.

It's not even a real issue. :lol:
That w :smokin

The white viewers probably don't care.

Latino, don't care.

People who I regularly discuss the show (Latino, Asian, middle eastern, white), has never come up. :lol:

We have discussed ways on how to integrate the NBA, talk about racial inequality.
I agree, you can't make a social issue out of everything. Does it affect me or my day to day? No, but it is something you can't help but notice when you watch it and people are taking notice and are using the platforms at hand to do so. Every time one of these characters was killed off, it sparked discussion on Twitter, IGN and various forums from all backgrounds. This problem with the shows is why the success of Power and Empire are that more important because it will force Hollywood's hand on how they treat and portray people from this demographic.





If anything, Latino's should be complaining. Before Rosita arrived :smile:smokin) we really had no one... NO ONE. :lol:

Still didn't care, :lol:, didn't blog about it. Didn't compare it to some ******** theory about "Maybe Kirkman is trying to show we are expendable"

Totally just remembered that guy who was in the Governor's camp that got thrown in the ditch with all the walkers.

One of the main characters of the show is black... but let's ***** and moan about the useless characters that get dropped... just because of the color of their skin.
That family in the first season I think was latino. I forgot what happened to them. Weird when you look back at who was in the cast the first season and who is left now. Only a few original people left.
remember the locale bruh. are there a lot of latin americans in the A? we've come across like 12 black people in total. 9 of them are dead now.
Yes, but they were a non-factor. They panicked and left, they had kids too, |I

IIRC didn't they show their empty vehicle?
aint nobody stoppin u from complaining

the problem is you too happy to be a good a lil boy and act like nothings wrong 
aint nobody stoppin u from complaining

the problem is you too happy to be a good a lil boy and act like nothings wrong :smh:

You can call it that, as long as you acknowledge that you are being duped and distracted to keep you from focusing on the real problems that are going on.

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its not either or its both

real or fictional thats all u see on tv and its a problem

the real ones are random, but here on tv u can control what u broadcast

unless you intentionally are broadcasting images o dead black men to reinforce certain ideas
the emasculation.

t-dogg...fool. son got called a ****-er on his first episode and did nothing.
noah...dependent and weak
prisoners...nuff said
the governor's guy...silent
even morgan...bad *** fighter..couldn't protect his son..went crazy. rick had no prob protecting corrral
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