The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I think the old lady who runs the place is blowing that horn whose husband got his throat sliced by the sword.

If not her then that kid that Rick and Morgan helped when they found the walker mining pit.

I also think they could have handled that situation better too.

I would have made good practice for the rest of the people.

Just kill a couple of them when they come out from in between those two trucks.
It was a "dry run", then the truck toppled over, so they had to do it.

In the meeting, Rick told the group that the trucks were the only thing holding the herd in place, it wasn't a matter of if more of a matter of when. Rick said it may be the next rain storm. They were scouting the site, on the "dry run" and the truck toppled over.

I'm curious as to who blew the horn...
it would but so Dope if the wolves kill Glenn with a spiked bat like in the comics but i highly doubt that will play out since he's a fan favorite 
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I wouldn't believe nothing Rick says if I was an outsider.

This group just shows up and takes over things and messes it up.

Rick is a loose cannon and from this past episode it looks like even his own group is starting to realize it.

I also don't think they will show who blew the horn next episode either.
it would but so Dope if the wolves kill Glenn with a spiked bat like in the comics but i highly doubt that will play out since his a fan favorite 

Glenn's a dead man walking. I can see them offing an og member this season.
Just because it's YOUR list, doesn't make it consensus. :lol:

Saying Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire are GOAT shows would hardly raise an eyebrow. All critically acclaimed, and have notched tons of awards and/or nominations.

Dismissing TWD and then mentioning Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Spartacus, etc as being better...


It's called YOUR opinion, your right to have it, not to be used for ammo during a discussion.

The Sopranos would receive some mentions as well.
ep was ok

i dont like how they tryna make morgan the overly preachy negro

he and michonne should have a lot in common being out alone for so long

sasha seems like she got a grip back

ron is gonna be a problem, like did he not know his mom was gettin beat by his dad?
If we putting bets on which OG is dying, my money is on Daryl. I'd do that because no one would expect it.
Kinda hoping the baby dies. That would cause some trauma for sure

I srsly don't remember Ron at all from last season. Or did he just age? I was sitting there thinking, wtf who is this kid
Just because it's YOUR list, doesn't make it consensus. :lol:

Saying Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire are GOAT shows would hardly raise an eyebrow. All critically acclaimed, and have notched tons of awards and/or nominations.

Dismissing TWD and then mentioning Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Spartacus, etc as being better...


It's called YOUR opinion, your right to have it, not to be used for ammo during a discussion.

One thing is an opinion...which IMO I enjoy TWD far more than any of those other shows besides BB...that's my personal preference.

Then we have FACTS....the FACT is this show will go down as one of the GOATs across all networks, based off its ratings, popularity and fan base and with every season these numbers keep climbing, I can easily see it reaching 10 seasons and at that point it will have a generational impact where we literally grew up with the it what you want, numbers don't lie and as long as it keeps grossing the numbers it does, you better believe the show will keep pushing.
I put money on Eugene, Rosita, Tara catching the fade...out the core characters i think is Michonne yall :frown:

No way Daryl dies, he's probably the number 1 fan favorite....I think killing him is show suicide....this ain't GOT
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