The Walking Dead - Official Thread

The Hulk made a special appearance.


If he somehow gets away then as far as im concerned nobody is in danger. They can all just lay down in the middle of a herd and twiddle their thumbs lol
After watching the video a couple times I see a head slide under the dumpster and then walkers gravitate toward that area :nerd:
It needs to happen like this.


I don't think Glen died, they're going to find a way to make him escape. Hopefully, there is some type of bite that wounds him, but gives all the fans the sappy closure with Maggie that they seek, :lol:

I'm ok with Glen dying this way, it's random and how the majority of characters of little importance die. So having a major character die in similar fashion will lend the show some credibility amongst the cynics.

I didn't want Glen to go, but if he comes out of this unscathed, might be a huge jump the shark moment.

You know the TWD has over 15 million viewers, and about 5 million of those loyally watch the show just to talk **** about it, :lol:

Yeah he is not dead :smh:
I was ok with him going since terminus so i didn't really care for that character.
It was pretty random though. During the scene i was thinking, now how is Glenn going to magically survive this.

I thought they were gonna hide in the dumpster and that Jesus dude was gonna save them from that stair case
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If I was behind the wheel, I'd have the scene open up with Glenn being alive....give everyone just enough time to exhale, and then SMACK! A bat is swung from outta nowhere, crushing his head, camera pans over and we are introduced to a new character/villain 
Guarantee they drag the suspense on for at least 2 episodes before revealing what is really going on with Glenn
they gon start reincarnation now.

glenn finna come back next season like the white ranger on the boss level.
I find it funny that ya expect so much reasoning from this show....if they want him alive, they'll think of a reason realistic or not for him escaping...6 seasons in and you guys don't question how in the world zombies that can barely walk and literally fall apart actually have the strength to tear through human flesh and bones :rofl:
killing off the only asian racist *** show

probably have no replacements either

not like this tho :frown:
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