The Walking Dead - Official Thread

this was definitely someone in the meetings pleading to tell the story of Morgan and they just gave in..........There was no reason for this to be shown like this
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Morgan isn't going to off this crazy fool either

Wouldn't be surprised if he pulled up a chair and told another 90 minute story

"And here's How I Met Your Mother..."
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Was not a fan of that episode, like I said before if they were gonna do a Morgan flashback and make it 90 minutes they shoulda shown his son die. Would have been 10x better

And that preview for next week damn near spells Glenn's fate out, Maggie is gonna find him zombified watch. Pray to God they don't milk it like Sophia in season 2 but I'm sure they will, it would be an easy set up for the mid season finale
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I mean the episode was kinda necessary cause people were wondering why Morgan is the way he is. But the episode was so damn boring.:lol:

I'm not even sure what the moral of the story is. The Aikido guy's generosity and trust got him in trouble so many times, yet he continues to do it. Of course Morgan adopts his dumb philosophy like its the least bit useful in this world.

I always forget this due Morgan is British, like extra British. :lol:

didnt mind. i already feel bad eastmon died. especially since he was so kind and they revealed his back story. even w his strength he still holds back , not many characters are like that
ughh 90 min for that garbage, which could have been explained in like a 15 min scene. :x :smh:

FFed so many scenes, was a borefest.

The goat got out because the softness being displayed in that compound drove him to commit suicide by zombie.

Now next weeks is another perspective dragging this Glenn watch out. :lol:
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Liked the story told this episode.

Hated that out of all the non-premiere/finale episodes, THIS is the one they made 90 minutes. Seems like a waste of storytelling.
Ep was cool. Atleast they got to show how Morgan got all soft all of a sudden. I can dig it. But this next ep is what I was waiting for tonight. So that was Rick saying open the gate at the end there. Ricks cool. :smokin Glenn starting to feel not so much :smh:
I knew they were gonna milk the Glenn cliffhanger for two weeks...I actually posted it somewhere. I fell asleep 30mins in, not because I don't like Morgan, but because my life is hectic. About to finish the episode now.

Anyone remember Morgan from Hung on HBO?
Yeah. I loved Hung. He was a funny and cool pimp on there but I will always remember him from Snatch.


Wow even the trainer who taught the actors how to use the bow staff worked on the ninja turtle movies. Nice.
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I really like this episode. It had a good story to especially with the dude Eastman. Not every episode needs to be all crazy and everything
You CAN NOT take apocalypse life advice from a dude who watched someone die for FORTY SEVEN DAYS.

So who is Morgan gonna get killed ? :nerd:
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